New Waterville map

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Mohamed Ellozy

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Brookline, MA
Yesterday after doing Garfield I stopped at The Mountain Wanderer to say Hi to Steve, and saw that the new Waterville Valley map, that he had been telling me about for a long time, is finally out.

When I see a new map of our mountains I buy it first, then look at it :D

It is detailed (1:31,680, 1" = 1/2 mile) with 50 foot contours. It gives distances between trail junctions, and shows XC ski trails. Those around Smarts Brook are labeled; the more numerous ones in Waterville Valley proper are not. Also shows both lat./lon. and UTM, with the 1000 meter UTM grid drawn on the map.

On the back there are short descriptions of the trails.

Feels very much like Tyvec.

Not sure what it adds to the AMC maps, but for those who collect maps it definitely is worth buying.
I bought it, and it is a good one, fairly detailed. :) I don't like bringing my large White Mtn maps if I'm just going to tool around on the Waterville trails.

The map I refer to is a hiking map, which also shows the XC trails. Steve told me that there is a separate XC ski map, presumably the one you link to.

The only XC trail of interest to the hiker (in summer) is the Pipeline Trail, from the downhill ski area to Tripoli Road near Depot Camp. It allows a (long!!) loop over the Osceolas and Tecumseh, say starting at Depot Camp, Livermore, Greeley Ponds, Osceola, Tripoli Road, Tecumseh and finally back to car by Pipeline. My recollection is that it is around 15 miles with 5,000 feet of elevation gain.
The same guy who produced this map also produced the recent Wonalancet / Sandwich Range map. Quite a beautiful pair of maps! I wonder if he's got a new project in the works yet...maybe new Ossipee or Belknap range maps? Or how about the ridges heading up to Cardigan?
I wonder if he's got a new project in the works yet...

Only if another organization hires him, I would think. We (the WVAIA), and the WODC each independently retained him to produce the maps for us. It took much longer, and ended up costing more than we anticipated, but we are quite proud of the final result. Not the cartographers fault that it cost more. Changes, edits, etc
We didn't want to add all the XC ski trail details and descriptions to the same map, as that would have added too much detail- potentially confusing to novice users. The updated XC map is excellent as well.
peakn said:
We (the WVAIA), and the WODC each independently retained him to produce the maps for us.

Where else can you buy the Waterville Valley map other than the Mountain Wanderer? I've stopped in at a few shops in the area, but no one seems to know what I'm talking about.
Usually available at WV Rec Dept

The WVAIA map is usually available at the Waterville Valley Rec Department (left side of Noon Peak Road, red building shared with the elementary school, turn right about 300 yards after the blinking speed sign when you enter the Town of Waterville Valley).

Jugtown Store in Town Square in WV also has had them in the past. I am not sure, but the White Mountain Information Center in Campton (right at Exit 28 -- first right after you turn east onto 49) may have them, too.
Maps are also available at the WV Real Estate office on your left just after passing the Ski Area road on your way into WV on Rte 49. Plymouth Book Exchange in Plymouth and Lahouts Summit Shop in Lincoln should also have some on hand.