Fox on the Mt. Washington webcam..

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I see red fox around my yard fairly often but last weekend, on Mt. Washington on the bottom of the Lions Head trail, Donna and I saw the biggest fox I've ever seen. It was as big as a medium sized dog.
Well if it is, then it's not on the true summit..

I've seen a red fox in the Wayne, NJ places of all areas on my bike commute to work. I had an eternal grin when I got to work as the usual animals I tend to see are a ton of deer and suicidal groundhogs. I'll take the red fox over any of them anyday.

My first solo...

On my first solo trip I crossed paths with a family of fox. Not sure if it was Mom or Dad, but it was huge! The little ones where the size of those little yip yip dogs. I was kinda scared at first, but they slowly walked away and I snapped some pics (not digital). Great trail memory especially on my first solo.
Frado pointed me a yellow fox when we headed down on the Lions Head trail at that VFTT Washington hiking! that fox we saw looks exactly same as the one in the observatory photo!!!!
Is that you, Monroe?....
What a wonderful picture Tim,
I just missed seeing the fox on my descent of Washington so I can't tell if they are the same. Frodo and BlueZ were just ahead of me and they saw it.
Your fox is a noble looking creature.
Tim, that is certainly a superb photo. But, I am curious...has it been "manipulated/enhanced" in any way? I remember your photo of Sawyer Pond (minus Little Sawyer Pond where it should have been). Just wondering.
Yeah, excellent photo Tim... Either that is a very nice digital camera or is that scanned 35mm? Looks like a small Aperture was used to focus only on the nearfield (by the fox) and keep the distant pines slightly off focus. Really nice! :)

maineguy said:
Tim, that is certainly a superb photo. But, I am curious...has it been "manipulated/enhanced" in any way? I remember your photo of Sawyer Pond (minus Little Sawyer Pond where it should have been). Just wondering.

I was wondering the same thing. The shadows match nicely in both the foreground and background. Looks like late afternoon or early morning. I don't think it is faked but it does have a little of the look of being faked. Fantastic picture.

How far away from the fox where you?

Tim posted a report last year about a traverse of part of the Presis including the encounter with the fox on Monroe.

Tim, maybe you could post a link to that report again if it's still around. It was quite excellent with a number of nice shots.

The Foxtrot Traverse

Here is a link to the story:

The Foxtrot Traverse

The picture isn't manipulated in any way ( but I did bribe him to pose with an offer he couldn't refuse, being somewhat of a vain fox) - it was taken with a Canon 28-135 Image Stabilizer lens zoomed almost all the way out ( on a Canon A5 body), with the aperture wide open, handheld, on Fuji Velvia 100 slide film. It was scanned with a Nikon 4000 slide scanner.

The fox was about 20 feet away from me, just below the summit of Monroe, basking in the glow of the rising sun. Definitely a moment I will always treasure.
I'm personally under the impression that all real wildlife has been driven out and in a desperate attempt of saving face, the US park service has replaced all living wildlife with "Animetronics". Kind of like Bugaboo Creek restraunts, Universal Studios or Disney.
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