Stony Brook Trail (Moriah) stream crossings

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
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Boxford, MA. Avatar: I heart South Twin
Hi -
I am expecting some high water levels in the streams this week, due to the recent warming and rains. Am wondering if the stream crossings on the Stony Brook Trail (to Mt. Moriah) might be a major problem.

Appreciate your advice as always, folks!

Usually this time of year, the water runs off quickly and subsides. As long as you arent hiking right after it rains you shoudl be in good shape. There is only one major crossing without a bridge that I can remember where the relocated section crosses the brook before joining the old trail. I know that the old trail stayed to the south of the brook but I havent been on it for years since the development went in.
We came out that way on the 17th. If it looks high at the road I'd bet you could just 'whack in and up the south side of the stream until you hit the trail further up, though I've never done this, EDIT: It may be private property. It just seems like there's a few pointless crossings near the bottom. The smaller crossings up higher should be no prob.
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Did that trail back in May after some rain & snow melt where streams were pretty high. the crossings while high were not too hard. Unless there is a general warning for flooding I think you would be okay. The rocks may be a tad slick but that's to be expected.
We were out there this past weekend. We had to bushwack up a ways on the first crossing, but thankfully the trail parallels so its only a quick hop up the slope on the other side. The rest were not too bad at all. The ice made for some interesting moments, but once past that first crossing things seemed (at least to me) a lot easier.


P.S. What an awesome route up too! I liked it BETTER than the trip up from Bangor Road going over Mt. Surprise!!!!
Chip said:
We came out that way on the 17th. If it looks high at the road I'd bet you could just 'whack in and up the south side of the stream until you hit the trail further up, though I've never done this, EDIT: It may be private property.
If the water looks high at the road, go up Carter-Moriah Trail which has no large brook crossings :)

If the water rises a lot during the day and the main brook crossing looks iffy on your way back, stay on the logging road (old Trail) which comes out in a development. While I suspect this is legal (old ROW) even if it isn't I would do it anyway if the crossing was risky and it was the safe way out.

<FLAME> Typical FS project, put bridge at parking lot to make sure everyone starts off that way, but not a bridge to get back to old trail </FLAME>
Bobby and I came to the stream crossing yesterday. The water was quite high and we bushwhacked upstream, as suggested by New Hampshire. The place we crossed was just upstream from where three streams come together. Each of the three crossings were easy, as long as you were wearing traction. We then bushwhacked straight up the hill to the trail. It was very easy! :D

Thanks again for everyone's replies, especially New Hampshire's :)


P.S. Bobby will be publishing a TR with photos in the near future!!
Heading up to hit Moriah for my 48th on Sat. Glad to read your trip reports and the betta on the crossing!!
