What We Were Able To Do on a Trek to Mt. Waumbek (10-Mar-2009)


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Jan 18, 2007
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Whitefield, NH
My friend Steve & I were able to do and see a number of things during a trek to Mt. Waubek. Here are but a few.
We were able to determine that Spring is indeed on the way. We even saw a sign announcing the event!

But, we were also able to determine that Spring might be awhile in coming. There’s still a lot of deep snow, and so I had to sit on my butt to take a photo of the almost buried trail sign that’s near Waumbek’s summit.

We were able to provide snacks to some hungry Gray Jays.

From the summit of Starr-King we were able to see Mt. Washington floating on a sea of clouds.

Trekking off-trail on the way to Waumbek, we were able to peer into Willard Notch between North Weeks and Terrace Mountain.

And by going beyond Waumbek’s summit for 0.2 mile on the Kilkenny Ridge Trail, we were able to get another view of the Willard Notch along with a prominent display of Mt. Cabot and The Horn, off in the distance.

BOTTOM-LINE: We were able to do a lot and see a lot on our trek to Mt. Waumbek. A journey to this little 4K peak has a lot more to offer than perhaps some may think!

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if spring is here..

Nice one John

looks like another great day in the Whites..certainly some nice views and photos from above the snowpack
Nice job, John! I'm surprised Steve still hikes with you after all of the bad stuff the 4Js were saying about him on Sunday :)

The viewpoints around Waumbek are quite nice (as compared to a viewless hike) if you know where to look!
Nice shots John! I really enjoy shots that can encompass the Great Gulf Headwall and its approach to Mt Washington.
Great pics! I wonder, did you actually follow the trail to Spring and what did you find?
Guess I should respond to some of the replies to my posting:

Bikehikeskifish: “You've been hiking with Rocket21 recently, haven't you?”
Yes, and the side effects of radiation after-glow are still with me! BTW, what’s the radiation half-life of the “rocket21” propellant?

Rocket21: “I'm surprised Steve still hikes with you after all of the bad stuff the 4Js were saying about him on Sunday."
You must be thinking of another Steve, maybe Steve2? I hiked with Steve1.

Fisher Cat: “Nice shots John! I really enjoy shots that can encompass the Great Gulf Headwall and its approach to Mt Washington.”
Yes, that deep snow-pack in winter provides enough extra height to get some views that aren’t available from Starr-King in the warm-weather months.
Hmmm! Maybe the crew that recently built the snow tower on Mt. Hale can rig up some sort of summer viewing tower for Starr-King? :) Or even better yet, maybe somehow the Forest Service can be convinced to do just a tad of judicious cutting to open up the view to what it was a decade or so ago. Call it a historic restoration project (or whatever) . . . heck might even be some federal grant money available? :rolleyes:

Vegematic: “I wonder, did you actually follow the trail to Spring and what did you find?"
Well, I didn’t want to post it, but we did follow the “trail to Spring” and what we found was a bit disappointing (see photo below). :rolleyes:
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He he John, you are a nut! Apparently your trek down to the "spring" and subsequent find have you all sprung out of shape...yuk yuk :D

Thanks Brian . . . and speaking of “sprung”, don’t know why but that reminded me of a tidbit I meant to mention in my TR. In Smith & Dickerman’s 4000-Footer book, mention is made of plans that almost “sprung” into action for developing a major ski area on the North slopes of Waumbek. This was way back in the mid 1960s (way before any of us were born of course! :)). Some might disagree, but I think it is better that this spring was left un-sprung!
Sometimes the best TR's are those that are mostly photos.

And thank you for helping me with my confusion. I've always thought those "spring" signs were to help wayward hikers find water. Now I know better...they are to help wayward hikers climb the mountain quicker (attach spring to foot and enjoy!):eek:
Oh yeah!

I've got to agree with many comments here.

Great winter views.

Great pictures, especially the one of MW.

Sometimes the best TR's are mostly pictures. Don't read my reports, just look at the pictures. (I know, that's what you do). :rolleyes: I only write then so when I'm old and gray I can remember what the hell happened on them. I've got to go read what happened on my hike on Tuesday.
