WMNF Hiking Trail with ATVs . . . Not Good, and Illegal! (Peaked Hill Pond: 05-Jul-09


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Jan 18, 2007
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Whitefield, NH
There was a sunny sky yesterday (05-July). Perhaps that’s noteworthy all by itself!:) To take advantage of this glorious event, I decided to do a bushwhack that’s been on my list for awhile. Where I went is a bit difficult to describe, but basically the destination was to a small ledge nearly 2 miles WNW from Peaked Hill Pond (Thornton, NH).

As a launch-point for this bushwhack, I used the Peaked Hill Pond Trail. Since this trail is predominately on WMNF land, I was amazed that I had to step off the trail several times to allow passage of groups of folks on ATVs who were also en route to the pond.:eek:

I spoke with the Pemi Ranger District’s Law Enforcement Officer this morning about this incident, and followed up my conversation with an e-mail. As I sort of anticipated, I was told that since this trail begins on private land, it complicates erection of effective ATV barricades at the trailhead. Also, before any fines can be levied, the violators must be caught in the act. And understandably, the WMNF simply doesn’t have the staff to monitor this trail on a full-time basis. However, I’ve been assured that the Forest Service is going to investigate and will take some type of action to hopefully prevent further use of this trail by ATVs.

But anyway, other than the ATV incident, it was a nice hike to Peaked Hill Pond. I’d never been there before, and the pond is very picturesque.

After snapping a few photos of the pond, I hiked back down the trail for a short distance to a point where I began my nearly 4 mile round-trip bushwhack to the ledge WNW of Peaked Hill Pond (see white arrow at top of GoogleEarth image below).

The trek itself was pretty easy since it was through open hardwoods, but there were patches of annoying hobble-bush at various points along the way. But hey . . . it’s a bushwhack after all!:D As I could tell from looking at GoogleEarth before the hike, the ledge itself isn’t all that large or extensive.

However, despite its smallish size, the ledge provides some BIG views. There are very nice easterly views of various mountains in the Sandwich Range, as well as northeasterly views toward the Osceolas and mountaintops in the eastern portion of the Pemigewasset Wilderness area.



So overall, this was a very satisfying hike. I got to see Peaked Hill Pond for the very first time, and I was able to visit a remote ledge with some great views. And oh yes, I got to share a WMNF trail with ATVs . . . yet another unique experience!

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Well done

You go to all the areas I've wanted to visit. A friend of mine fishes in Peaked Hill Pond often. I guess it is a good trout pond. Awesome pics of from that ledge!

Thanks so much for sharing! I've been the pond a few times and is a nice little trek when I'm looking for something to tame. Did you bushwhack to the ledge I saw from the pond? Wow...those are impressive views.
Very nice, yes I share in your anger for ATV's on that trail as well since msot of it is within the WMNF. Peaked Hill Pond is beautiful, but unfortunatly I do not make it much past the pond since I love to trout fish in remote ponds. Nice report.
Jim, Jen and I headed up there a couple months ago. The trail (or should I say old road) was unimpressive, but the pond made up for it completely....a wonderful gem! In fact, it was on this trail, as we were heading back, we saw a large bear saunter cross the trail and down the hill from us!

A friend of mine fishes in Peaked Hill Pond often. I guess it is a good trout pond.
Thanks for the reply Grouseking. Although I’m not a fisherman myself, I’ve also heard that it’s a good pond for fishing.
Did you bushwhack to the ledge I saw from the pond?
Actually, my bushwhack took me to a ledge that’s about 2 miles beyond the pond. On some other occasion, I plan to bushwhack to the ledge that you asked about.
Peaked Hill Pond is beautiful, but unfortunatly I do not make it much past the pond since I love to trout fish in remote ponds.
I agree. It is a beautiful pond, and it’s easy to see why many folks wouldn’t make it beyond the pond. It’s a nice destination on its own merit, and apparently, even more so if you like to fish!
. . . it was on this trail, as we were heading back, we saw a large bear saunter cross the trail and down the hill from us!

I can easily see that happening. Shortly after leaving the trailhead, the traffic sounds from I-93 quickly dissipate and you’re hiking through a forested area where I’m sure that bears and other critters love to live (and occasionally saunter across the trail to entertain the humans!:D)
Great photos, John! I love the first one, especially! Great to see another hidden ledge conquered and exposed - this is a corner of the mountains I am not at all familiar with, so trip reports like this one are great fun to read! :)