Great Adirondack Trail Run

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
(See trip report.)

I participated in the event.

I also read the discussion in the 46er magazine. Obviously ther are a lot of valid points that can be made pro and con, but the presentation in the magazine was a little one sided. Also, I think it might be hypocritical for us 46ers to decry an activity that causes more people to be on particular trails. We're coming a little late to that position.

Anyone want to talk about this event?


I was very interested in the event but i was late registering. Also i was in training for the Lake Placid Marathon, and the Mt. Washington Road Race(on back to back weekends - ouch!) and i was hesitant. Snooze and lose i guess.

Have fun? How long was the race, i mean really...

The temps for the LP Marathon were in the low 80's with high humidity. Kinda tough running on pavement for 4 hrs in that kinda heat. How was it in the woods? and how were the bugs?

You know, keeping the race course confined to existing hiking trails, being as strict as possible about litter along the trail, and limiting the # of participants should keep the races impact to a minimim. I am sure all those were followed. Hope you had a great time, and hope they run the race next year!

So many races, so little time..I know the feeling!

I had fun, although it hurt to push that hard. The course was actually about 12 miles, without about 10 on trail, an the last 2 or so steep downhill on gravel road. Most of the climbing was gradual, but the overall gain was 3200', and the overall loss about 3400'.

The results are on The Mountaineer web site. I was pretty happy with my time, because my goal was to break 3 hours and I came in at 2:34. I'm not a very fast road runner (7-8 minute miles), but I do well on rough trail.

Everyone was pretty good about letting faster people pass. I was passed by a few, and passed a few, especially on the rugged sections.

Jan started us in an individual staggered start, with the oldest people first, the idea being to get most people finishing near the same time. As a result, I got to see a couple of the fastest people. It was a humbling experience! The eventual winner passed me on a steep uphill section, and he was running at road speed! Another one of the top finishers passed me on a steep slippery downhill. Most people were walking. I was passing people there pretty fast, because I don't mind that stuff. Then this guy just flies by!

It was much cooler in the woods than on the road. When I ran the very short paved section of Beeded Road, it felt like running through a furnacce. the bugs couldn't really keep the pace in the woods. The only bugs that bit me were a couple deerflies on the gravel roads.

I also hope this event runs again next year. I will lobby for it, and maybe volunteer to help the guys set it up.

Don't forget the Stair Climb, in March!

Stair Climb Director is Kate Otis: < [email protected] >

If you like extreme events, you'll love that one. 42 floors up the stairs in the Corning Tower in Albany. Staggered individual start. Also a four person relay team option.

Times range from 5 minutes to 15 minutes. If you go hard, it's grossly anaerobic. Spots in front of your eyes, hands go numb, every cell burns. Good stuff.
Corning Tower

I know all about that race, although i have never done it, my Dad has a bunch of times. He has also done World Trade Center and Empire State Building stairclimbs. He is crazy.

Glad the race went off well with all the controversy surrounding it. Sounds great!

And i hear ya about the people passing you on the uphills. I ran a great(for me Mt. Washington at 1:45, but the winners were one hour! That is under 9's! I hate(but envy) people like that!!!

Thanks for the feedback.
