Winter VT4K's in a day (2-28-04)

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Sep 4, 2003
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West Newton, MA

I arrive at the Main Lodge parking lot at Killington. Stinkyfeet and Sir Edmund are already there. While we are plotting our route up the ski slopes, we see several brightly illuminated groomers transversing the slopes...

We start up! Trails are well groomed and perfect for skiing (and hiking).

We are heading up a black diamond when we see a groomer heading down towards us (Yikes). We cross over to the opposite side to avoid getting in the way.

The 3 of us arrive on the summit. Such a beautiful night! To quote Carl Sagan, “Billions and billions of stars...”

We are glissading on our butts down a black diamond. Woo Hoo! What a blast!

We are back down, still shaking off the snow, and laughing at how much fun that was...

The 3 of us arrive at Sugarbush South and leave my truck. Then it’s off to Sugarbush North..

We plot our route up the ski slopes to Ellen. Even though they don’t open for over an hour, there are many people about. We head up with the sun getting brighter and brighter by the minute.

We arrive on the summit of Ellen on this spectacular winter day. Nary a cloud in the sky! The LT heading over to Abraham looks broken out, so we start heading across the ridge.

We reach Mt Lincoln after heading 2.9 miles across the ridge. The ridge was mostly broken out, but had many false paths that people had taken. Lots of snow! The trees were ****y-trapped with large accumulations of consolidated snow. If you touch one, 10lbs of snow will come crashing down. We head to Mt Abraham which is .8 miles away, but looks further.

We summit Abraham. Views are amazing! We can see the ADK’s, and most of Vermont. Lake Champlain is a brilliant white.

We reach the truck after heading down the ski trails. We followed the “Organ Grinder” for most of the way, and to avoid skiers we spend much of the time heading down the glades in the woods. Yee-haaa!!!

We arrive back at Sugarbush North to pick up our vehicles then it’s off to Camel’s Hump.

We are at the Burrow’s Trail parking lot which is almost full. We leave our showshoes behind and start heading up the packed trail.

We reach the summit of Camels Hump with views galore. This is the 1st summit of the day that we have seen other people on (and even a few drinking Budweiser). We take a short, relaxing break then we head down.

Back to our vehicles, and we drive North to Mansfield.

We stop in Stowe to grab some pizza, gas, and coffee. The 3 essential things to keep us moving...

Arrive at the Long Trail parking lot at Smugglers Notch. We gear up and head up Mansfield (we saved the hardest peak for last). Long trail is broken out.

We reach the summit as the sun is fading on the horizon. The colors are magnificent! We again have the summit to ourselves. It is bitterly cold and windy, so we don’t stay long. We decide to take the ski trails down (hoping to do some more glissading), so we head across the ridge and down the Cliff Trail towards the illuminated slopes.

We are glissading down the black diamond moguls (trail is closed at night). Not as much fun as a wide open trail, and also a little painfull for us males...

We arrive back at our vehicles, and kid around about heading over to climb Jay peak... Awesome, memorable day, with 2 fantastic people...

A few statistics:

Total time: 14 hours, 50 minutes
Miles hiking: 20.3
Elevation Gain: 9700 feet
Miles on trails: 11.7
Miles on ski slopes: 8.6
Miles driving: 132
Hours hiking: 10.9
Hours driving: 3.9
# of incredible skier wipeouts witnessed: 2 (same person)
Oh ya!!! Way to go guys and Stinkyfeet!!

It was the perfect day for your quest, congrats on finishing all 5! Your names came up more than once on Saturday!!

All that talk about sliding down ski diamonds....yikes! I slide down a green trail and have nightmares for the rest of my life, what the heck would I have done on a black?!

Way to go!
Which begs the question.....when do you take on the winter ADK 46ers? I have no doubt you'll flatten them, too!

I was skiing Killington Friday and thinking about the VT peaks. However, my glissading was limited to wiping out on the halfpipe on my skiis. Small world, sort of.
I totally forgot about you folks, otherwise I would have been looking for you! I was at Stowe for the weekend for some sorely needed R&R. Ran into one of Ed Hawkins friends on Sunday, descending the ski slopes (can't remember his name, but last name starts with "C").

Another well earned congrats to all of you!
Amazing, simply amazing. They'd be dragging me out cause my knees would be swollen to the size of basketballs! Yeah, how about Maine? At least I can live through your exploits.
Congrats Frodo et al. I remember that we talked about the possibility of doing the NE67 in one winter when Sir Edmund joined us on our Tri's-Whiteface-Passaconway hike in early January. And, Frodo has already been to BSP twice this winter, right? Go for it!
Wow! I remember when somebody did Pico, Killington, and Stratton in one day and I thought that was a lot!

Brings back memories of leaving the Lincoln Mtn gondola station in the fog and hiding in the woods from groomers at Pico.

Frodo said:
Miles on trails: 11.7
Miles on ski slopes: 8.6

It just shows to what extent VT's high peaks have been covered with ski areas. They've tried for Camels Hump too but the state so far has decided to save one.

Question: with your speed on the double-diamond trails, do you think this trip is actually faster in winter than summer?

spencer said:
This begs the question: Are you going to run through the ME peaks in the next two weeks to get the 67 in one winter?
Sounds like it would only take them 5 days :)
Re: Killington seceding to New Hampshire in trade for Moosilauke:

No, Vermont cannot have Moosilauke; maybe Stub Hill, but not Moosilauke!

New Hampshire already bought all of the bridges over the Connecticut River so that they could pay for all of the maintenance expenses themselves (who needs a sales or income tax anyway, right?).
Very nice goin', guys!

Hey, there's still time to knock off the ADK 46 before winter ends, wouldn't you say?:D

The elusive "Triple Crown of Icicles" is within reach ....
Re: They voted to secede

Chantal said:
Maybe Vermont could have Moosilauke in trade?
Over my dead body.

These feats are humbling and inspiring. Way to go one and all.

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I don't know which one?:confused: But a certain Trail Condition report reminded me of a TR some guy wrote back before it seemed that everybody had a cell phone. Apparently it's possible to do more than just Mansfield in a day.:eek:
I love these random thread revivals! I don't think Sabrina even noticed the original date? Nice report Frodo! I must have missed this one.
These are called Zombie Threads; brought back from the dead. This one is 5 years old. It really only makes sense to add to these if there's something directly pertinent to the topic. Otherwise, start a new thread and link back to the old one as needed.
