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    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread AMC Action Plan for 2025-30.
      The internet is a wonderful place, you can sit in the comfort of your home and run your mouth with little or no consequence. See you on...
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread AMC Action Plan for 2025-30.
      I wasn't going to respond to you, but I changed my mind. I may not be everybody's cup of tea, but disingenuous I am not. I might have...
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread AMC Action Plan for 2025-30.
      Maybe I didn't understand your point the way you intended, online forums can lead to poor communication verses face to face...
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread AMC Action Plan for 2025-30.
      Well there you go. I had no idea toilet paper was referred to as "flowers".
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread AMC Action Plan for 2025-30.
      He clearly states that without the Cog flowers would be growing in place of the tracks, hence the Cog is a bad thing. While he sings the...
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread AMC Action Plan for 2025-30.
      You probably don't even realize how partisan your post is. Spilt waste from the AMC, no problem, the Cog, plant killers.
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread AMC Action Plan for 2025-30.
      I appreciate that the huts got you and your family outside, but to say you never would have gone outside without them is not the best...
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread AMC Action Plan for 2025-30.
      If the huts were not there, there would not be a need to helicopter out barrels of human waste. A few years ago, the barrels left...
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread AMC Action Plan for 2025-30.
      I have never joined the AMC, never saw the benefit. I've run into their groups out hiking and I have been into the huts for water and to...
    • sierra
      Retail stores are bleeding, and it will likely only get worse. I decided to get my dog a jacket, REI carries a brand I like. I stopped...
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread Death on Mt Whitney.
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread VFTT group hike?.
      The idea doesn't seem to be popular here, but if you want to join me and my dog on a hike, I would be glad to go over anything you want...
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread Success Pond Rd. in Winter.
      Actually, that's exactly what I was thinking about, didn't know that what they called it. Thanks.
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread Head's Pond Trail - 12/31.
      Me and my dog walk that trail, it is nice during the weekdays.
    • sierra
      sierra replied to the thread Success Pond Rd. in Winter.
      I thought about adding a winch, seems like a good option. Can you describe or tell what kind you went with?
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