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  1. Buffalo

    For a Book - Looking for Hikers Who Happened to be Hiking in NH on 9/11 2001

    Hi all, After chatting with one of the admins, he suggested I post here. I'm writing a story about the response among the forest bureau and hiking community on the day of 9/11, 2001. I'm looking to talk to any hikers who happened to have been hiking in New Hampshire on the morning of 9/11. My...
  2. Buffalo

    Letting go of fear on Mt. Sunapee

    Wow, has it been that long since I've been here? Time flies! Anyway, thought I'd post a quick report on Buffalo and Tough Cookie's recent jaunt up lovely Mt. Sunapee. There's nothing like breaking in new hikers! Hope you enjoy the post: Picking faith over fear on Sunapee
  3. Buffalo

    Is there a finer family hike than Zealand Falls and hut?

    On the trail again, it feels so good to be on the trail again! Janelle and I wedged in a great hike to Zealand Falls between book events! Man, did we need that. Short trip report here: Hoofing it to Zealand Falls Hut
  4. Buffalo

    The Moose throws it all at us!

    Our Moosilauke Grape Nuts hike was a good one. Click the link for a trip report and photos. Enjoy! Moosilauke on Memorial Day
  5. Buffalo

    Welch- Dickey- A chance to regroup and get back on track with my hiking 4-21-13

    Great that you're back Chris! Good luck on the July Presi Traverse, we'll be out of town that week. I've tried yearly to do a full traverse now for four years running and something has always forced me down. I'll try again this year in late July! Hope to see you out there sometime!
  6. Buffalo

    Mud, snow and ice: Water in all it's forms on the trail to Arethusa

    After the last difficult week, Janelle and I felt we needed to be back in the Whites. We had an afternoon on our hands, so decided to see how high the water was along Bemis Brook and Arethusa. This is what we found: Arethusa Falls casts a Springtime spell
  7. Buffalo

    Exploring one of Manchester's weirdest places

    Glad you enjoyed the post Gritter, we know what you mean. We are (very) tentatively planning a clean up day down there in the fall. We'll keep folks up to date on our Facebook page and website if that's something anyone is interested in.
  8. Buffalo

    Exploring one of Manchester's weirdest places

    Thanks Adventurous... we couldn't agree more. I know it's likely heretical to say this, but we love coming across some old stone foundation or abandoned relic in the middle of the woods! Lots of old mills to explore down there in R.I. :)
  9. Buffalo

    Exploring one of Manchester's weirdest places

    Janelle and I continue our series on Urban Explorations by checking out one of the city's oddest places, The Ledge: Pulled in by the Manchester Ledge
  10. Buffalo

    Lonesome Lake's siren call the day after the storm

    I've been promising Janelle a first visit to an AMC hut and a walk on a frozen lake for a while. We got to do both Sunday in a hike up to Lonesome Lake and hut on one of the nicest days of the winter so far! Here's the link for trip report and pics: Lonesome Lake and the draw of the ice
  11. Buffalo

    Staying local with a hike out to Battery Point on Lake Massabesic

    Quicky trip report of our exploration of Battery Point at the Massabesic Audubon Center in Manchester. Trip Report Pictures Great way to spend the afternoon! A thick fog shimmers in the flash of the camera at Battery Point.
  12. Buffalo

    Pulpit Rock Conservation Area, an urban exploration

    Thanks Chris! Yup, we got the little one pretty much outfitted now (that is for another, like, two weeks until she grows again). Tomorrow, we begin snowshoe lessons!
  13. Buffalo

    Pulpit Rock Conservation Area, an urban exploration

    Well, the girl and I have decided to spend some time kicking around Southern NH and seeing what we can find in our own backyard. Turns out a lot! We started yesterday (on what looks like it will be the last non-snow day of the season) with a ramble through Pulpit Rock Conservation Area. A...
  14. Buffalo

    Waumbek for #1 and our winter season to-do list

    Hi Red Oak... no alas, I only wish I was so efficient that I could get posts up the day after a hike! We finished our 52 and tagged Janelle's first 4,000 footer in mid-November!
  15. Buffalo

    Question about Megalloway in winter

    Does anyone know if Megalloway Road is closed and/or maintained during the winter? For a logging road, it's very well maintained in general. I have no idea how passable it is during winter and if anyone has experience getting to the trailhead during this time of year. Thanks! Dan