Congrats to Harley from Thor & I! Thor does not shift gears for me but since they are down on the middle console he is continually adjusting the window controls to get more wind in his hair! ;-)
It's Thor's 5th birthday and he is going to finish his NH 4K peaks on Jefferson this Sunday. He is also caught up to me on winter peaks so he will be finishing the Winter 48 with me as well. Would be great to see folks out there but we won't be running a race, at least I won't be! ;) Have had...
If going by Lowe's without a carspot it may be better to bag Jefferson first and have the wind at your back for the long jaunt above treeline to Adams. Much of the decision has to be made by the weather of the particular day and hours of that day. Also staying at Crag Camp is an option, though...
Not true BobC! You've seen me carry a 25 pound stainless grill up a 4K with 16 pounds of good grilling meat! ;-) Excellent photography John and kudos on the good samaritan advice! Usually, and not to stereo-type, the jean crowd "gets it" later in their "Duh! That guy was right!" moment further...
Thor makes this list and does most of his hiking and overnights in winter. He may finish this year with just 3 presidentials left, Adams, Jefferson and Washington. And though there is not a winter list for pooches at that point he would only be lacking ten winter peaks and will have done over...
Perhaps WMNF intended for common sense to prevail and that most would try to avoid being right on a brook, river or pond. Like many of us, I have camped on brooks before but try to make sure and have a minimal impact on that water source and the ecosystem it supports. Not that a trickle of...
If you plan on going all the way to West Bond your out and back will be about 22 miles. The flats you go across before the Bondcliff trail narrows up is probably only about five miles in so you will have about 17 miles of hiking the next day. The most common "illegal" site is right on the left...
What, your Iphone doesn't have an app for that? These punches were originally used for layout work in machining and got adopted into use by EMT, paramedics, and other First Responders. I've had them for years and sometimes one will be in the vehicle. More often a good heavy hammer or like you...
Hi Ed,
Wish I would have known it was Bon Voyage we could have grilled for you after your Washington summit! ;) We all will certainly miss you around here and I wish you folks many happy trails! It's been a pleasure to meet you and Lauky here and there and spend time together on the trails! As...
Congrats on 48 Deb! Your not alone in those that have turned back on Owlie! My first time out was a solo backpack on a New Years Eve weekend and the going up the slide was so tough I made it to 3300 feet and retreated to camp. I have now been out there so many times by different routes that it's...
I'm hoping to do Monroe through Adams and possibly stay over at Gray Knob or Crag Camp. Having trouble figuring out how to get my car up to Lowe's for my exit. Planning to finish my winter peaks on Jefferson and Thor's all season on Adams. With the holiday and last winter weekend the camps might...