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  1. GNR

    Water along the MSG

    Thinking of doing a thru-hike of the Monadnock Sunapee Greenway on the upcoming three-day weekend, but wondering about water sources since it’s been so dry…anyone been out that way recently?
  2. GNR

    School trip suggestions

    Thanks everyone! All the ideas are great...I appreciate the thoughts and if there are more, I'll keep reading! Monadnock is out as it's too much for many of our students, and the idea of an emergency that far from our home base is unappealing. Drive is too far as well and I already stress a...
  3. GNR

    School trip suggestions

    Hi all, Been a while since I've been here, but thought I'd try to get some ideas about a school hike for the upcoming fall. We usually hike Mt. Wachusett successfully but wanted to see if there's other options to vary the yearly hikes. We are a small special education school (30 kids, 13...
  4. GNR

    Greylock Hike 1/23/10

    Thanks everyone! Had a great hike and brought along more winter gear than I'd have if I hadn't posted and gotten support. Thanks again.
  5. GNR

    Greylock Hike 1/23/10

    Just asking for advice on an easy snowshoe route...I've done some hiking in the Whites but not much in winter. I've got snowshoes but was wondering if this is a true winter hike or if it is a bit less intense that up north. Any thoughts would be welcome about the route. Thanks.
  6. GNR

    light backpack suggestions

    Granite Gear packs Check em. Nimbus Ozone is great, but they have others too.
  7. GNR

    Keene NH EMS Store Closing

    EMS Keene Closing Any skis left at the Keene store? Thanks.
  8. GNR

    Mitten Shells

    Try these
  9. GNR

    Whats on your wish list?

    Check it out Hit up and check out the gear that they sell. I'm a member there, but get nothing for referring you there...just really cool lightweight stuff. GNR
  10. GNR

    Gloves for When It's 35 Degrees and Raining?

  11. GNR

    Garfield Pond Cut-Off (Abandoned Trail)

    I haven't either but... ...I'd be interested in trying to find it with you. PM me if you'd like some company. GNR
  12. GNR

    Type of Cord for Ultralight Tarps

    Triptease Because of the tooth it has, Kelty's triptease doesn't slide over branches easily, and when it does, it can cut into tree. Check out the spectra choices at Really light and tree-friendly. Expensive, yes.
  13. GNR

    How would you do these 2 peaks?

    I've got the next 4 days off, and need Owl's Head and W. Bond for my list(then Jefferson for 48). I'd like to do both this week in a 3 day, 2 night backpack, but can't seem to get a plan that I am happy with, mostly because of too much backtracking. What would folks here do. I can do a good...
  14. GNR

    Old AMC and GMC guidebooks

    WMG at Boston Public Library The same thing has happened at the BPL. I have looked at the 1936 and 1940 guides there, and wanted to look at others, but many of them are missing.