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  1. MEB

    Old school VFTT

    Fun! I am getting sucked into a time warp from years gone by! -MEB
  2. MEB

    Pat and Audrey's potluck Saturday, 11/8/14

    Audrey, it has been a long time since I have been here too! I'm planning on coming! I am so looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. -MEB
  3. MEB

    Dorr Mountain Loop in Acadia National Park 6/13/2013

    Very nice! Thanks for sharing! -MEB
  4. MEB

    Little Gem in my neighborhood

    I will have to check this one out!! -MEB
  5. MEB

    Trail conditions for Bigelows and Saddleback?

    I was on the Bigelows last weekend. The water crossing on Stratton Brook Pond was a little high but totally doable. There were a few patches of ice here and there but no snow to speak of. I had microspikes but never needed them. Hope this helps! -MEB
  6. MEB

    A Stellar Day on Liberty and Flume 1/16/12

    Amazing pictures! What a great day to be up high....hopefully it was warmer than the previous day. -MEB
  7. MEB

    Who's going for the 4,000 -footer winter record this year?

    Once my ankle heals up I think I will give it a try. -meb
  8. MEB

    Stealin' Ike

    I must have just missed you. What a great day to be up high!!! I was very suprised to see a car at the summer lot when I got down....the gate was also open at the other end. IS it really winter? Where is the SNOW??!! -MEB
  9. MEB

    Bog Bridges?

    No pictures or videos....but I do have a video of what happened last winter on the same trail. This was taken after my friends spent a good twenty minutes just getting my foot free. I think this trail has it in for me!!! -MEB
  10. MEB

    Bog Bridges?

    Thanks for all the responses. The wood on this bridge was quite nice but the gap was huge. Had my foot slipped somewhere in the middle I most likely would have snapped my leg. It was pretty high up and was over a small stream. I'm always greatful for trail maintainers and work crews. MEB
  11. MEB

    Bog Bridges?

    Anyone know if there is a standard width between the logs on a bog bridge? My foot got wedged between two logs yestersday and it took myself and two others to get it out. I have fallen off many bog bridges but have never gotten stuck in one. -MEB
  12. MEB

    Long Trail 12

    Check out this site..... This site has a lot of great information for planning other long distance hikes as well. I did an E2E in 09 and I think the only place I had to pay a fee was at Butler...
  13. MEB

    Isolation via Rocky Branch/Engine Hill 12/11/11

    Sounds like you had a great hike! Nice running into the previous day on Carrigain. So how many left for "December"? -MEB
  14. MEB

    Thinking about setting up a hiking wiki

    What is a wiki?
  15. MEB

    Save the date: Pat and Audrey's potluck Saturday 11/5/11

    Thank you Pat and Audrey for welcoming us all to your house once again. It was wonderful to see you both as well as everyone else. The food was delicious!! Hope to see you two out on the trails! -MEB