Recent content by MikeC

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  1. MikeC

    Overnight Hiker Rescue Conducted On Mt. Washington

    I felt the same way. Brutus is a downhill slog of loamy, off camber organic pillows. Tough on the ankles. We'd go down the slide next time.
  2. MikeC

    2024: Less snow than normal

    Is the guy with the PhD still around? Asking for a friend.
  3. MikeC

    Jericho Road open?

    There is plenty of parking at the first bridge, in fact 2-3 times more than the parking area that exists now at the gate. The road has repeatedly washed out and with the removal of the bridge it's pretty clear that the FS intends to phase out access via Jericho Road.
  4. MikeC

    Tripoli rd dispersed camping

    We camped at Russell Pond a few weeks ago-the partying was bad enough that we called the sheriffs office. He was not polite with the party goers when he had to drive up Tripoli at 1130PM. Too bad, as the sites are nice.
  5. MikeC

    Stairs Col Condition

    I bushwhacked from the end of Allen Rd eventually linking up with the extent of FR27A, where there are still some old bridge abutments. Stairs Col was pretty easy to follow, stopped about 1.0 in due to time of day/weather. On my way out I checked out the old bridge crossing. It's a nice...
  6. MikeC

    Stairs Col Condition

    Whoops, wrong section. Can someone move this to New England?
  7. MikeC

    Stairs Col Condition

    Has anyone been up/down Stairs Col this year? The last report on NETC is from last year. We are going to hike Isolation via RB/Stairs/Davis Path from camp on Allen Rd. I've read reports that it's not blazed well. The lowest section of the RBT is a ghost town since the forest service closed...
  8. MikeC

    Dolley Copp/Pinkham B Road still closed

    I was headed toward Randolph last summer and met a truck towing a 24' enclosed trailer across Pinkham B, faster than I've seen any car do it. Rough road in a one ton truck, I go around.
  9. MikeC

    Sawyer River Rd will be closed to vehicles for 2024 until further notice

    We own two camps on Allen Road, which is the old RBRR grade. I typically go to the end of the grade (where the river has washed it out) and jump over to the USFS road (Jericho). The road above Bridge 2 is very grown in, a few hundred feet above the bridge it necks down to single track before...
  10. MikeC

    Sawyer River Rd will be closed to vehicles for 2024 until further notice

    We hiked Carrigain a few weeks ago and it looked as though the road was being maintained by a groomer of some sort. Anyone know by what or why? Also interesting to see on the project list that the Rocky Branch bridge is slated to be removed permanently.