This is always my favorite post of the year.
Some amazing achievements.
Anne Packard is one bad-ass hiker.
82 years old and finishing the NH 500 Highest. (She finished a little before her 82nd birthday).
How old is Georg Feichtinger at this point????
I wonder if at some point he’ll be the first...
Leave it to Mount Washington to hit a 5 degree windchill and it's almost July! That's awesome.
I did Cobble Hill and Moody Ledge near Landaff yesterday and it was humid again. Although there was some decent wind which blew the bugs away and cooled me off nicely.
Definitely seems like a really bad time to have been out there trail running that early in the Spring conditions. I was up in Danville Vt hiking last weekend and there were still some deep patches of snow at 2,300’
Awesome report. I am impressed you were able to make it all the way out there this early in the Spring. It is so incredibly remote.
I love this peak. I remember the ascent being very incremental and gradual. It almost felt like you were never gaining any real elevation and then before I knew...
There is a small bend on North Hollow Rd about where it crosses the Kendall Brook.
There is a stretch of woods on the easterly side between houses there which were not posted when I did it in winter, and which was wooded enough to keep away from the houses.
I went in there and whacked easterly...
The article says they had to mount a snow blower on the front of the first train to clear the way. This seemed like a really expensive rescue with all the work and players involved. It also says he had merely hiking shoes/boots on which is insufficient. Maximum respect to the Rescue personnel...
I am aware of the dispute stemming from years ago with the landowner and the AMC regarding the Mt Cabot Trail.
What is the current status of this? Is there a legit way to ascend the mountain on the Mt Cabot trail from the Lancaster side? or do you have to go all the way around to the York Pond...
Winter climbing in the White Mountains cannot be made perfectly safe, no matter what. Some risk must be accepted if one is going to do it.
To mitigate the risk, when I am packing, I think of it in a similar way to how bridges are built:
What is the maximum load that could drive over this bridge...
Hahaha! Thanks!!
The stream crossings indeed really did look like scattered toothpicks in a couple places. That storm was pretty bad. Here are a couple photos where they got wiped out:
HI Dennis, Thanks a lot. I only have 13 mountains left to complete the Adirondack Hundred Highest in winter. I may finish this season. Hope you are doing well! Take care, Spence.
I brought enough safety gear and supplies to survive a nuclear firestorm and headed out to go for an ascent of Lost Pond Mountain. My bag was so heavy it felt like I was carrying a Sumo wrestler holding a pallet of roofing shingles. But better to be over-prepared than under.
I left the...