Bond Traverse and Overnight at the Guyot Campsite - Heavy Snow!

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Rhody Seth

Active member
Dec 18, 2015
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Charlestown, RI
Two friends and I did an overnight at the Guyot campsite last weekend, over the Bonds on Day 1 and exiting over the Twins on Day 2. We hiked in Friday and the big storm was forecast to arrive during the night/next day so we were looking at potentially 8-12" of snow to contend with on Day 2.

Day 1 featured hard packed trails which worked fine with microspikes. Good conversation with good friends makes those Lincoln Woods miles go by quick and the views when we arrived at Bondcliff were spectacular as always. We ran into two different people wrapping up their winter 48 on Bondcliff. At the campsite it proved harder to find a suitable place to hang our hammocks than expected. The slope was very steep in most places and while there were plenty of tent platforms, the snow was mounded on top in such a way that it made hanging awkward. Additionally this area had been hard hit by storms which had required them to rebuild the shelter and took down a lot of potentially hanging trees. My buddy Rob and I both found places to hang in the end and I have to hand it to Rob for bringing his own GoPro and filming - I ended up not taking a lot of hammock footage but he picked up the slack. With the storm arriving at some point we were not surprised to be the only ones making use of camp that night.

The next morning we woke up to fog and then drizzly rain which was frankly worse than snow. Rob and I took our sweet time breaking down our hammocks which actually worked out in the end as the precip had finally switched over to snow as we began hiking towards the Twinway. Other than the exposed Guyot section, snowshoes were the traction of choice for the day. With temps in the low 30s I was very comfortable all day in my wool base layer and rain jacket but I battled cold hands for much of the descent. Between that and everything getting iced over, I didn't get as much footage as I would have liked of that incredible snow. It was really coming down as we descended and while we were all exhausted, it was also a bit magical hiking in that much fresh powder.

We wrapped up the hike with 2.5 miles of road walk on Haystack Rd and which seemingly went on forever in our tired state. A little bit of luck - as we neared the car the storm seemed to peter out and made the drive back to Lincoln Woods less awful then it could have been. Interestingly, there was a lot more snow up in Twin Mountain than there was down in Lincoln, which only had seemed to get an inch compared to the 4" we had hiked through. You never know who is going to get hit with what. Overall a great trip to wrap up my official winter season, bringing my Winter 48 total up to #33.

Two friends and I did an overnight at the Guyot campsite last weekend, over the Bonds on Day 1 and exiting over the Twins on Day 2. We hiked in Friday and the big storm was forecast to arrive during the night/next day so we were looking at potentially 8-12" of snow to contend with on Day 2.

REALLY ENJOYED THE VIDEO Seth, thanks for posting. You guys had mixed condx for sure.

The guy who slept in the shelter (inside his tent) took NO chances for sure and I bet got the best night's sleep of the 3 of you:)

But kudos to you for persevering with the winter hammock. You've come a long way since that first test night in the blowing snow.
REALLY ENJOYED THE VIDEO Seth, thanks for posting. You guys had mixed condx for sure.

The guy who slept in the shelter (inside his tent) took NO chances for sure and I bet got the best night's sleep of the 3 of you:)

But kudos to you for persevering with the winter hammock. You've come a long way since that first test night in the blowing snow.

Thanks very much Chris. Yes, Pete was quite comfy in the tent/shelter combo - he appreciated having flat ground unlike his last couple trips with me. I've definitely made some improvements to my hammock setup since that trip with the snowstorm. I'm still making plenty of mistakes but I'm feeling more confident when I'm out there. In fact I was sort of hoping the snow would arrive earlier to test my setup. But maybe I would have regretted that. :p
Excellent video, they keep getting better!

IMO, this is the best "legal" hammock spot at guyot (first 2 pics, blue marker on map). basically, round the corner before the hut and head down towards the privy. It's on the left. There are also a bunch of "overflow" sites up at the junction with bondcliff trail that are better than the mess down on the official tent sites. I've also stealth camped in the col of w. bond when the guyot site was just too full (third pic), although the trees are sort of small and blew me around all night. I kept waking up half asleep and thinking I was on a waterbed.

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IMO, this is the best "legal" hammock spot at guyot (first 2 pics, blue marker on map). basically, round the corner before the hut and head down towards the privy. It's on the left. There are also a bunch of "overflow" sites up at the junction with bondcliff trail that are better than the mess down on the official tent sites. I've also stealth camped in the col of w. bond when the guyot site was just too full (third pic), although the trees are sort of small and blew me around all night. I kept waking up half asleep and thinking I was on a waterbed.

Interesting. I'll keep an eye out the next time I'm there. I did scout out places to the hang down to the privy so I likely walked right past it. The snow definitely changes the perspective on where to hang. Can't say I'm not looking forward to camping on clear ground again!
Thread revival! Seth, I just came across this video (while searching for Bonds info; you had posted a link in a discussion there), and just watched it. Really nice video, editing, and musical selections. One highlight is the magnificent, remote summit of West Bond, where the music really sends home how beautiful and powerful that spot is. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
Thread revival! Seth, I just came across this video (while searching for Bonds info; you had posted a link in a discussion there), and just watched it. Really nice video, editing, and musical selections. One highlight is the magnificent, remote summit of West Bond, where the music really sends home how beautiful and powerful that spot is. Thanks for sharing your adventure.

Thanks much! I'm staying st Carter Notch hut this weekend with those guys. Looking forward to some more snowstorm hiking!
Thanks much! I'm staying st Carter Notch hut this weekend with those guys. Looking forward to some more snowstorm hiking!
In case you haven't seen this in RI -

Winter Storm Watch
Issued: 8:52 AM Feb. 14, 2025 – National Weather Service

* WHAT...Heavy mixed precipitation possible. Total snow
accumulations greater than 6 inches, sleet accumulations greater
than three quarters of an inch, and limited ice accumulations up
to one quarter inch possible.

* WHERE...Portions of south central and southwest Maine and central,
northern, and southern New Hampshire.

* WHEN...From Saturday afternoon through late Sunday night.
Winter Storm Watch
Issued: 8:52 AM Feb. 14, 2025 – National Weather Service

Hello Seth et. al.:

Your excellent video and written recap brought back memories of our Winter 4K list finish on Bondcliff in March 2009, a mere 16 years ago when I was age 57; thank-you for same! On that trip, we were "Cadillac camping", using an overnight at Zealand Hut, and then going up and over Zeacliff, Zealand, Guyot, West Bond, and Bond before ascending the rock stegosaurus that is Bondcliff. Strongest winds I ever experienced between Bond and Bondcliff, but almost calm on the top as the wind funneled between Bondcliff and West Bond....A long walk out to Lincoln Woods thereafter.....Your film-making, editing, soundtrack, and demonstrations re. the hammocks, tarps, etc. was terrific, and better in quality than much of the "outdoor" programming available on TV or streaming; very well-done! Best of luck in completing the NH Winter 4K list!

All best wishes to the Men of the High North!

Rick W., Great Pumpkin on VFTT