2024 Grid finishers, Part I


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B the Hiker

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Middletown, CT
From Ed Hawkins

# # #

rid Finishers 2024


#161 Tyler Kuntz

#162 Elizabeth Sullivan

#163 Lynn Kessler

#164 Ginger Holton

#165 Rick Fregeolle

#165 Lisa Fregeolle

#165 Vicky O'Brien

#168 Brian Chase

#169 Cara Baskin

#170 Denise Kimball

#171 Ashley Youland

#172 Keith Watling

#172 Kurt Wojtanek

#172 George Somerset

#175 Jonathan Soule

#175 Laura Soule

#177 Chase Hall

#178 Kevin LaCourse

#179 Philip Werner

#180 Bruce Borofsky

#181 Melissa Anne

#182 Ann Hudnell

#183 Scott O'Bar

#183 Lisa O'Bar

#185 Tracy Morgan

#186 Alexandra Campbell

#187 Lexi Jackson

#188 Yvette Minuti

#189 Chantell Wood

#190 Nicholas Crouch

#191 Eric Cunningham

"2nd Grid" "2024"

Eric Rathbun

"3rd Grid" "2024"

Georg Feichtinger

"4th Grid" "2024"

Sue Johnston

"Complete Grid" "Start to Finish After Age 60 2024"

Joe Comuzzi

Donna Dearborn

Linda Comeau

"Two Complete Grids "Start to Finish After Age 70" "2024"

Ed Hawkins

"Two Complete Grids "Start to Finish With Two Knee Replacements". "2024"

Ed Hawkins

"Trails" Finishers 2024. AMC White Mountain Trail Guide.

#102 Diane Kaye

#103 Chuck Merrow

#104 Spencer Weatherholt

#105 Suzanne Flagg

#106 Rick Fregeolle

#106 Lisa Fregeolle

#106 Tom Sawyer

#109 Diane Cabral

#110 Steve Babler

"Trails" Finishers 2024. AMC Southern NH Trail Guide

#9 Liam Cooney

"Every Calendar Day Finishers 2024"

#34 Thomas Penders

#35 Joe Comuzzi

"7th Round" "Every Calendar Day" "2024"

Ed Hawkins
Does "Every Calendar Day" include leap day? That requires some serious scheduling. "Sorry, I can't make your wedding, unless it's on Wildcat or Cannon."
I took my grid spreadsheet and plotted out the calendar days. Finished the grid but not even half the calendar days. I keep hiking on the same ones (holidays) and not the ones three days off.
The logistics behind that reminds me of Paul Schipper who skied every day the slopes were open at Sugarloaf for 25 years.

"When his son graduated from college, Schipper arranged for Sugarloaf workers to drive a snowcat uphill at midnight so he could take a run by headlights at 12:01 a.m., allowing him to attend commencement later that day" [in NY] "and return in time for first chair the following morning."

We met him once in the early 90s.