Where did the global warming thread go?


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B the Hiker

Well-known member
VFTT Supporter
Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Middletown, CT
I believe it was entitled (with a typo) "Lees Snow than Usual"--or something to that extent. It seems to have been removed.

Who removed it without telling the person (me), who created the thread?

Why has the thread been removed?

I wouldn't lose too much sleep over it. Not lots of explanations around here anymore by moderation. Usually when threads go over the spicy threshold and become personal, they get deleted. The whose and whys don't seem to be a priority anymore. We seem to be running on a self-governed platform as of late which IMO is working pretty well. Most of us who have been around awhile including myself seem to want this place to keep running. Cooling our jets a bit (yes myself included) certainly helps.