And I thought that your post of Feb 7th was bait that I had risen to. Silly me.
If I have 4 pots of water, one of which is 100 degrees C, and the other three are 0 degrees C, that will make the average a fairly comfortable 25 degrees C (or did I screw that up?) Sorry, I'm still not going to to plunge my and into a random pot, despite the average of the temperature of the water in the pots being a comfortable 25 degrees C. Thanks for making my point for me.
Complaints? That's next door. It's being hit on the head lessons in here.
Thanks for teeing that one up for me. The check is in the mail.
I must have missed class that day. As far as I know, the only thing that science requires of me is that I die someday. And I'm going to fight that tooth and nail as well.
I don't claim to be a scientist, or to be doing science here. I have no Phd. While my humble degree does have "Science" in the title, and the field of study also has "Science" in it, and it prepared me for a respectable but otherwise unremarkable career in the field, I can't say that I've done any science since I was working for that degree, and that was only to learn how, not to do anything that would contribute to anything.
I'm just stating my opinions, based on what I read, a reasonably well-tuned BS detector, some common sense, and some years of practical experience. Unlike some others, I won't demand that you embrace my opinions, you are free to think for yourself. I think there are some folks who post here who do actual science, and I like to think I respect what they do. But that doesn't mean that I can't have a different view.
These are casual conversations. Don't take any of it too seriously. I try to inject a little humor when the opportunity presents itself. I try not to take myself, or any of this too seriously. It is only when someone says I must think a certain way that I get my back up.
No animals were harmed in the creation of this post.