Photo Blog Advice For Photo Sharing

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Well-known member
May 13, 2013
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I permanently closed my Facebook account a few weeks ago and one of the things I am missing most is the ability to share photos from hiking trips with my other hiking friends and family. Creating and posting an album on Facebook was so simple and the unlimited storage for free is a huge plus.

So I figured I'd set up some sort of basic photo blog but am quickly discovering that this is an overwhelming endeavor for my limited tech skills. I manage a pretty simple business site for my job on Wordpress and have very basic Elementor knowledge but little understanding of all the plug ins available. Anyone on here have a blog? I see a lot of people on YouTube but I'm not ready to commit to that level of editing and set up on trail. (I think I actually have a YouTube channel somewhere from years back :ROFLMAO:) I also am not a fan of the "flow" on YouTube. A blog is really better suited with its post organization and chronological sequencing of trips. I much prefer the simplicity of photos and the ability to include some brief text captions saying where I was. I tried this a few years back on photo hosting sites like Flickr but found the experience lacking for both myself and visitors.

If anyone out there is doing this and has suggestions I'm all ears. Looking for a simple easy to use site and the ability to host my photos on my cloud service to keep myself under the storage requirements of free blog hosts. From what I've read it is possible but the few articles I read were very confusing. Thanks in advance for any help.
If you are already familiar with Wordpress you've pretty much got it. Most cheap hosting services support WP or you can host on WP if you don't have your own domain. If all you want to do is post pics and text you don't have to worry about all the complicated stuff. I stopped posting on my site years ago, but still pay to keep it up because a few people find it useful.
You can share the link with your friends if you have a thread or threads here with some of your images.
I used to blog as a running log back in the day. I still use it to link to my YouTube videos. It's called blogspot works perfectly fine:
From an administrative/technical point of view is blogspot "easy"? In particular, do you simply click on a "new post" (or similar option) and all the chronological arrangements happen in the background or do you need to design each page and have to know where to arrange it so it comes up onthe home page as the newest? (Not sure if that even made sense. My current WP theme for work is a template so I edit the existing pages but it doesn't have a blog feature so I'd have to add a page and tell the template where it belongs, i.e. too much work). I'm assuming your knowledge of this is vastly larger than mine.

I'll check it out. Thanks.
If you are already familiar with Wordpress you've pretty much got it. Most cheap hosting services support WP or you can host on WP if you don't have your own domain. If all you want to do is post pics and text you don't have to worry about all the complicated stuff. I stopped posting on my site years ago, but still pay to keep it up because a few people find it useful.
I am currently looking at Bluehost, which apparently works seamlessly with Wordpress and is the #1 host of Wordpress blogs. First year is pretty cheap but then it goes up. So I guess I can give it a whirl for 12 months and decide if it is worth the effort.
I am currently looking at Bluehost, which apparently works seamlessly with Wordpress and is the #1 host of Wordpress blogs. First year is pretty cheap but then it goes up. So I guess I can give it a whirl for 12 months and decide if it is worth the effort.
Another advantage of WP is it is ubiquitous and the platform includes migration tools. If you want to save money and are willing to do the minimal work involved you can move from host to host each year taking advantage of those discounts. I am too lazy for that, but you sound ambitious :)
I am currently looking at Bluehost, which apparently works seamlessly with Wordpress and is the #1 host of Wordpress blogs. First year is pretty cheap but then it goes up. So I guess I can give it a whirl for 12 months and decide if it is worth the effort.
I see this is not your first pass at looking for facebook alternatives.

If I were more ambitious I would do a web page on alternative bicycle gearing strategies.
I see this is not your first pass at looking for facebook alternatives.

If I were more ambitious I would do a web page on alternative bicycle gearing strategies.
No regrettably it is not. I took about a 6 month break awhile back but came crawling back eventually, partly because of the social isolation and partially because I didn't like the photo sharing options. I think it is going to stick this time. I just don't know anyone left on my list of friends that does anything with it or interacts in any way. It is so amped up now no one wants to express a thought on anything. The only "voice" we have left now is $$$ so I am trying to be much more deliberate about who and where I spend my money and what usage/participation it is endorsing.
I would like to upload a random picture to this new VFTT media gallery, but for whatever reason, the "upload" function cannot see any of my pictures.

So I'm guessing that the pictures I have in my PC are a file type that is not allowed by the "Gallery" page.

So I ask again "What are the allowed file types?" If I know what file type (and size) is allowed, I can convert, and if necessary resize a picture to make a trial run.

I see nothing is in the gallery yet from anyone. So maybe more people than just me have this question?
I use Flickr.

Nice bike, although not my size or exact style. I will leave sport touring geometry writeups to you, although I would be happy to read them.

My last winter commuter road bike (I retired 3 years ago) was a 3x9 shimano brifter half-step plus granny and I can give you several reasons why I thought that was sub-optimal for almost any other application. I rebuilt that bike recently with 1x13 Archer electronic shift, which has fewer suboptimalities, but is nowhere near perfect.
I use Flickr.

I dusted off the cobwebs in my mind and did a little research on my previous sharing and it was SmugMug I had used, not Flickr. So I checked out Flickr and it does seem pretty impressive and easy. Not quite what I had in mind but I can have up to 1,000 photos for free so it should give me plenty of time to experiment with it.
So I figured it out now, and it works! Thank you to TechAdmin for the media gallery.