Kevin Judy and Emma Dec 19, 2011 Thanks, Leaf! It was a thrill to not only see her in the wild, but up close and personal!
PA Ridgerunner Dec 15, 2011 Thanks for the green. We were wishing we had some ketchup in our packs to give the pic a little more realism.
Thanks for the green. We were wishing we had some ketchup in our packs to give the pic a little more realism.
--M. Aug 4, 2011 Well, now I guess you're karmically bound to report on what you find! Thanks for the greenie, --Mike.
Well, now I guess you're karmically bound to report on what you find! Thanks for the greenie, --Mike.
FARMER Nov 9, 2010 So many bad things you could say about a name like Lincolns throat. VERY hard to contain myself.
Barkingcat Aug 5, 2010 I totally understand the memory thing. If I don't document stuff with photographs, I end up inventing the whole thing!
I totally understand the memory thing. If I don't document stuff with photographs, I end up inventing the whole thing!
Gillian Aug 5, 2010 I didn't want know me, I was dying to descend off that route, but Jason's a spoilsport and dragged me back!
I didn't want know me, I was dying to descend off that route, but Jason's a spoilsport and dragged me back!
skiguy Aug 2, 2010 Glad your having fun with the Climbing...great to relive some of that first time on a new route rush again through your trip reports!
Glad your having fun with the Climbing...great to relive some of that first time on a new route rush again through your trip reports!