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  1. mwandel

    Rules for camping at South Meadow (Adirondacks)

    I've always taken it for granted that camping at South Meadow is free-for-all. But while hiking out the other day, we passed a big yellow "No Camping" sign on a tree. It didn't make clear what area it referred to. The popular campsites right behind it had been occupied in the morning and were...
  2. mwandel

    Route for Avalanche Mountain, in the Adirondacks?

    How it went We didn't make it, but it was a good try. Check out the pictures.
  3. mwandel

    Route for Avalanche Mountain, in the Adirondacks?

    I hike in the Adirondacks a lot, and having knocked off the 46 main peaks I'm now intrigued by Avalanche Mountain, the pretty little bump between Algonquin and Colden. I read here that this is actually worth climbing in its own right, so I'm considering trying it on snowshoes. What route does...