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  1. Tsuga

    Some company on the winter 48.

    NH_MTN_HIKER- Great! We should get in touch and make some plans. Thus far, out of the winter 48, I have hiked: Washington, Jackson, Tom ,Tecumseh, and Moosilauke. I do not have much winter backpacking experience, yet. So I try to crank out most in days trips. I hope that is your flavor. Do...
  2. Tsuga

    Some company on the winter 48.

    Good day, I am new to this site. I have started to work on the winter 4000 footers of the WMNF. I have historically been a solo hiker, but would like for some winter company--conversation, learn/share skills. I am a fairly experienced hiker and already have some winter peaks under my belt from...