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  1. gram

    a trip to Zeacliff and a question

    Oddly, my husband and I had never been to Zeacliff. Odd because we've been hiking for a very long time, and we're all about the views. Here are two photos taken 7/28. I'm guessing the "line" across Whitewall Mt is the Ethan...
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    The end of a long journey

    Congratulations!! My first "hike" after major surgery 2 years ago was Zealand Falls hut. I felt as if I had been reborn! There really is life after a major set-back. See you on the trails.
  3. gram

    Rock Step Work on OBP - 7/18/2009

    Thank you! This is one of our favorite trails in the Whites - especially in winter. Thanks to you and the other trail crew members. It's HARD work!
  4. gram

    Ina-gadda-da-alpine 6/27/09

    On Saturday the Tuckerman Ravine Trail was still officially posted closed, although the rangers seemed to be letting some folks go up. At least that was the discussion I overheard. Here's another pic from Saturday. We got back to the car just as the sky was opening up...
  5. gram

    What's your opinion of "Hiker Dies/Gets Lost" threads ?

    The posts can get the word out to others who've been hiking in the same area that day. They may have valuable info to aid in the search. Never too old or too experienced to learn from someone else's misfortune.
  6. gram

    Rainbow and clouds on OBP

    Nice link, grouseking. I had never seen a horizontal rainbow before. Since we couldn't see it with the naked eye, just with sunglasses on, I was surprised the camera picked it up.
  7. gram

    Rainbow and clouds on OBP

    My daughter and I did a belated Mother's Day hike on Friday - just a beautiful day. With sunglasses on , we noticed a rainbow in the clouds over Franconia Ridge. With sunglasses off, you couldn't see it at all. Also, some other interesting cloud formations...
  8. gram

    Conditions OBP

    YES! Thanks, Sierra, just what I wanted to know.
  9. gram

    Conditions OBP

    Has anyone gone up the Bridle Path this week? Is the trail free of snow to the Walker Ravine outlooks? How is it from the outlooks to the hut? Thanks in advance!
  10. gram

    Looking for transportation info around Glacier/Canadian Rockies

    East side of Glacier I definitely agree with arghman on this. We stayed in the park at the Swiftcurrent Motel in Many Glacier. Sooo many trails leave right from there. An excellent trail guide - "Glacier National Park and Waterton Lakes National Park" by Vicki Spring. Gives distances, elev...
  11. gram


    The East Side Trail leaves from the same starting point- don't cross the bridge. We have used a jogging stroller on East Side quite easily. No RR ties.
  12. gram

    How do you cross high water in the spring?

    Thanks for posting, Mike. When we did part of the Zion Narrows, we rented poles and boots from an outfitter. Well worth the $s. The technique was as described above. They advised against using hiking poles, and they were right. Of course, in the Whites, hiking poles are what we have with us!
  13. gram

    Hikers Ride Avy down Mt. Washington

    check this out Scroll down thru the pics to 4-10-09 and take a look at the picture with the red annotations. They were so lucky!
  14. gram

    Best Whole State New Hampshire Atlas?

    When you say Delorme, do you mean this one? I love our copy.
  15. gram

    Medicinal Benefits of Hiking

    Absolutely! Spring is in the air, Grumpy, see you on the trails. Thanks to you and others who have shared their stories in this post. As if we needed a study to tell us hiking was good for us.
  16. gram

    Best hiking boot brand for women with wide feet.

    Buy men's!! Women's 9 1/2 2E in a sneaker here! Now that's a big foot. I have given up looking at women's wide boots altogether, the selection is very limited. I have big bunions that are not painful if I wear the correct boot. Right now I have Merrill Ventilators for summer hiking in a 9...
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    Try New Foods

    cheese sticks I like the individually wrapped cheese sticks - fat , protein, and sodium. They've got it all. And, of course, my Cliff Bars. I do wonder what reasonable shelf life is under varying temps though.
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    Tobit's First Winter Hike

    Poles??? If you weren't using poles, give them a try. I find poles more helpful in winter than in summer. If you have a good trail with good snow in winter, you can really fly going downhill. It does take a little practice though. Enjoy!
  19. gram

    Canon P&S operating temperature?

    Follow up on Canons and the cold Since purchasing my Canon A1000IS, I had been out several times in moderately cold temperatures, but this past Thursday in Stowe, VT I put the camera to the test. It was 3 degrees with strong winds and we were out for a couple of hours. I kept the camera...
  20. gram

    Snowshoe hikes in Stowe, VT??

    My husband and I will be in Stowe next week. Any suggestions for a moderate snowshoe half day hike? We don't do ice ax and crampons, but are experienced snowshoers in the Whites. We are not familiar with VT, and are looking for something with a view. Hopefully a well marked trail! Thanks.