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  1. gram

    Wanting snowshoeing recommendation

    Green Hills Preserve On Tuesday, my husband and I did a half day snowshoe up Peaked Mt. The Preserve is east of Route 16 in North Conway. Interesting virews, gentle slopes, absolutely no one on the trails but us. Check out...
  2. gram

    Final snow totals?

    Time for a thread on what fell where! I'm particularly interested in North Conway, as we'll be heading up there on Monday.
  3. gram

    Doug Paul injured in a back-country ski accident

    Doug - We've never met, but I see you took the time today to add to my post on "Hiking Zion Narrows." Thanks, and WELCOME BACK! The boards have certainly missed you. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  4. gram

    Hiking Zion Narrows

    Thanks, everyone, for the advice and the great pics. Seems like there's a variety of possible weather / water conditions. I must say, Audrey's pic of the river didn't look too appealing. The Narrows is first on our list of "must do" trails, but we'll see what happens. As for Angel's landing...
  5. gram

    Okay! This is it!

    some tips...... I agree with Roy. The geysers and mudpots are just amazing, as is the wildlife. It is such a unique park. Once you walk a few yards from the roadside attractions, the crowds disapper. See Old Faithful, then get on a trail from there to see many more geysers. Like Roy, we...
  6. gram

    Hiking Zion Narrows

    We are going to Zion and Bryce on 5/16 and I have been pouring over a good hiking book I bought, as well as the web sites. Some questions - Has anyone hiked the Narrows from the bottom (Riverside Walk) up in May? How cold is it??? Has anyone rented the "booties" and pants to protect against...
  7. gram

    Which Mountain to die on (was: Just curious)

    My husband and I live in fear of being written up in Mohamed's Accidents for doing something dopey and needing a rescue! Like getting caught red-handed wearing cotton. Dropped our maps in the river, and on and on and on..... We joke anbout this on the trail. But to answer your morbid...
  8. gram

    That's NOT how you say it !!!

    Bow Take a bow in Bow, NH or Tie a bow in Bow, NH. So which is it?
  9. gram

    suggs for easy hike in snow country (NH / VT)

    Waterville Valley 2 trails in Waterville come to mind. Park at Depot Camp for both. The first is Greeley Ponds - a great woods walk. Check the WMG. The second is Timber Camp Trail - 5.2 miles, 1100' elevation gain. Footing is good. Maybe too far, but you can stop whenever you feel like...
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    Outdoor Explorations

    My daughter and son in law are members of OE. It's a great group - worth checking out!
  11. gram

    Atlas 825 Electra snowshoes

    I had trouble with the way the decking is attached to the frame on my Atlases. The pieces of decking that wrap under the frame wore out. I sent them back to Atlas, and they replaced the worn pieces, but they started to wear again. The pair you're interested in have the same arrangement. I...
  12. gram

    REI discounts

    I signed up recently for REI Gearmail and got a coupon for 15% off to use online or in a store within 30 days. About a week later I got a 20% coupon to use within a week's time at REI Useful this time of year!
  13. gram

    Lost Hiker 11/30/06

    dug - My husband and my biggest fear is being written up in Mohamed's accident reports! Things don't always go right on the trail - especially in winter.
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    help on hiking / snowshoe poles

    Chip, I've misplaced my Russian dictionary! Actually, Campmor has a Leki model I've been looking at. These will be gifts to hikers / snowshoers who have not used poles before, so I'm not going all out in price. Leki switchback Thanks everyone for the input.
  15. gram

    help on hiking / snowshoe poles

    We are looking to give poles as gifts this Christmas. They would be used as both hiking and snowshoe poles. I understand about the different types of baskets you can get. What I don't know is what a flexible tip means. Leki says their tip will bend 30 degrees without breaking the shaft. So...
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    Hypothermia on Eisenhower

    a great thread Me hiking in chest deep snow on Eisenhower- NO! But as SAR-EMT said, That could be me. I learned a lot here, jello goes in the backpack! Two years ago I had a moderate cough, but we had planned a day of snowshoeing. Lots of huffing and puffing, but I felt ok. Two days...
  17. gram

    Short,scenic hike around Pinkham Notch

    other ideas The Zealand Trail to the AMC Zealand Falls hut is a great family hike. It's relatively flat until the very last section, has a lot of beaver ponds along the way, and a great waterfall. Just be sure Zealand Road is open at the end of April. Arethusa Falls from Route 302 is also a...
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    Tuckerman incident

    Doug, you made me laugh out loud. Glad he's ok!
  19. gram

    Look quick....

    Waumbek, keep those pictures coming! I'm always watching the webcams for the Lincoln side of the Whites, but your pics are far better. As for the webcams, I look at Coldwell Banker, Bretton Woods and Loon ski areas. Anybody know any others? Thanks for posting!