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  1. Jasper

    Wapack Trail- middle section, Sunday 9.07.08

    Hiked the Wapack trail from WindblownXC on 123 to 101 last Sunday. Shorts and t-shirt, boots and socks. Great weather, mid 70's, good breeze and a view on the ridgeline. The first 3rd of the hike had some muddy/flooded spots from the Saturday rain from TS Hanna. These were easily walked around.
  2. Jasper

    Nalgene pulling bisphenol-A polycarbonate bottles off market

    10 Things not to worry about. NYT Science section lists BPA as the #6 thing not to worry about. See article at the link.
  3. Jasper

    What is a "bastard file" ?

    Bastard File As I understand it, the name arose from using the file without a proper handle. The tang of the file can pierce the hand if a handle is not used. The filer then exclaims 'bastard' and throughs down the tool. At least that is how my grandfather explained it. :)
  4. Jasper

    How about a berry thread

    Blue Berry Trail The Blue Berries are in full force. Yesterday, coming down the Pompelly Trail off of Monadnock we stopped every so often and had our fill. This trail is lightly travelled (and poorly marked in places). What a great day.
  5. Jasper

    Info on Algonquin Provincial Park

    Algonquin Park 2 day canoe/fishing trip idea Two days for an Algonquin trip is a little short to get into the back areas where the fishing is good. One possibility is to go in at access point #3 Magnetawan Lake and do an in and back to Little Trout Lake. You get away from the crowds on Hwy 60...
  6. Jasper

    Tragedy in Franconia Notch

    Laws of Gravity and Probibility Lets put this down to an immediate, emotional response by the family that has lost a loved one in this tragidy. Rescue does take some time in the mountains and one should take that into consideration. Bad things happen some time and it is no ones fault. No...
  7. Jasper

    Tragedy in Franconia Notch

    Family Questions Response Time Today's Boston Globe has an article that indicates that the family are questioning the medical response time. The article goes on to say that a medical helicopter, better cell phone coverage or a land-line at the trail head may have speed medical assistance and...
  8. Jasper

    Backcountry Volunteering

    I would be suprised if I would be surprised if the members of this site do not give back in some way or another. I was very active with a Boy Scout Troop when my children were teenagers. The troop did an one trip a month dispite the weather. A great intro to the outdoors for kids that...
  9. Jasper

    Nalgene pulling bisphenol-A polycarbonate bottles off market

    Life Causes Death I agree with Maddy, Life Causes Death. The risk from this chemical appears to be infintestsimal. I'll keep my water bottle collection. However, I think it is prudent to ban the chemical from infant bottles.
  10. Jasper

    Moosilauke (almost) by Glencliff and Carriage Road

    As always, a very well witten and concise report. Thanks pg
  11. Jasper

    Polar Bears heading inland

    Closer to Home Polar Bears have migrated south to Newfoundland. CBC reports one (appears to be a young male) on Fogo Island off the north-east coast on Saturday. The town of St. Anthony on the tip of the Long Peninsula had white visitors recently as well. In this area, they occassionaly are...
  12. Jasper

    How do you deal with your back problems?

    Mac the Knife. Doctors like to keep busy. Alway be circumspect about their intentions as their is an inherent conflict of interest. If at all possible, stay away from the knife. I know over 5 people who have had operations on their spine and none are much better for it. I know this is...
  13. Jasper

    Ice Axe Length

    Even Longer? :) For the Whites and most of the Cascades, I like an even longer axe: 80 cm for a guy that is 6'-0". I have been told that it is too long but it works well for me. 90% of the time, it is mainly used as a walking stick.
  14. Jasper

    Quabbin reservoir

    North Quabbin Hiking If you are up along route 2 the north Quabbin area is good hiking or snowshoeing if the conditions require. Start at the Petersham General Store. They have trail maps of the area. From Petersham take West Rd to the enterence to Federated Women's Clubs State Park. You may...
  15. Jasper

    Trail Marking

    It is not about drive time to the Whites.... I do carry a small amount of bright surveyers tape. I can think of only one time that I had used it. The Boy Scout Troop I was with became spread out on a climb up Lafayette one fall. I tied the tape to some shrubs at a confusing trail junction...
  16. Jasper

    Night Hikes at the Blue Hills.

    Blue Hills Night Hike You are correct park is closed at sunset and the gates are shut. You can always park at the Shea Ice Rink on Willard St. The trail is on the south side of the lot near Willard. This trail connects with the Skyline Trail. For your personal safety, I strongly suggest...
  17. Jasper

    What would you do?

    Never on Willard It just blows my mind that people feel this insecure in the woods that they have to do this. On second thought, maybe the majority of people are that insecure and inexperienced.
  18. Jasper

    Lots of Rescues - Taking Stock

    Negligence Standard, F&G Funding and Insurance I am not sure what the answer is. Legistators will seek to put laws inplace: Laws that are usually poorly written and uninforceable. Proving negligence is a tough and expensive road to recovering the cost of a rescue. Proper funding of the F&G...
  19. Jasper

    Compass Help

    40 years and still going. I have a Silva compass that I have used for over 40 years. It does have a bubble but this does not seem to impact its performance at all. It has been out in very cold conditions without freezing. I appears that you just had a string of bad luck in selecting a...
  20. Jasper

    Sunday Globe article on the many rescues this winter

    The Prudent Man I think we are discussing risk management with a goal of self-sufficient winter hiking. Some of the principles that apply are: risk is inherent, risk can never be totally illiminated and that risk increases with the desicion to act (go above treeline). The 'prudent man'...