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  1. F

    Zealand Trail Moose Attack Warning

    Thanks, Matt. We don't want, or need, to go nutty with the posting - this ain't Yellowstone. This is an unusual situation, given snow depths, as you point out. We (and many of the posters on this list) believed that the trailhead poster would be a good idea -- and sufficient in this place, at...
  2. F

    Zealand Trail Moose Attack Warning

    Zealand Falls Trail moose Hi everybody, Once we at Fish and Game got wind of the moose situation on the Zealand Falls Trail, we worked with the Forest Service and AMC folks to put up signs to let people know there's an aggressive moose on the trail...I'm attaching one of the signs, and the...
  3. F

    Maybe more fees!

    thanks for the ideas... Believe it or not, the Mt. Washington Summit Casino hadn't been proposed until this forum! In seriousness, though, as Sardog1 and others pointed out: If you value the work of Fish and Game, you can buy a license (whether or not you use it) or make a donation to the...
  4. F

    Maybe more fees!

    chill! Hi everybody, I'm the person at Fish and Game that Periwinkle talked to. Just to clarify: There are NO specific proposals on the table. There are several hundred ideas that have been generated, but none of them have been researched or discussed enough to take them seriously. The...