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  1. T

    Waumbek 8 FEB 2009

    Sunday turned-out to be a good for hiking S. Hatfield., S. Herrmann, and I. We arrived at the trail head, but there is only room for one vehicle. However, 200yds back to the main road is a giant parking area with a sign that says "Trail Parking". The trail was in excellent condition. Well marked...
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    Carter Hat Trick, 31 JAN 2009

    Steve H. and I were out again. This time it was the Carters. We left from Rt 16 at the 19 Mile Creek T/H. Trail has seen allot of traffic, most going to the Carter Hut. We Started about 8am. Weather was perfect sunny, no wind. We reached the Carter Dome Trail, and no one had been out that way in...
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    To Hale to Zealand and back

    Hiked Hale and Zealand. Steve H. and I parked and spent the night truck camping in the parking lot on Rt. 302 across from Zealand Rd. Plowed and well maintained. It was -29 degrees Saturday morning. We decided that cooking off the tailgate wasn't a great idea so we went to the AMC Center for...