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  1. MattC

    North Dome 2-7-09

    Sounds like a nice hike, but this... a little worrisome. You're quite sure that's what you saw? Matt
  2. MattC


    I was at that junction a year and about 3 weeks before your picture and it looked exactly like that then too. I can't believe that much snow lasted over a year. ;):D:eek: Matt
  3. MattC


    It might. ;) Seriously though, while the Catskills High Peaks are smaller and for the most part much less remote mountains than the Adirondack High Peaks, I would say that they are actually more challenging in at least one respect-orienteering on the trailless peaks. Just speaking from my own...
  4. MattC


    I can relate. I hiked the Catskill 35 and much of a second round before seriously starting the 46er quest. I'm sure many others have similar stories, especially those who live south of the Mohawk Valley. Your experience and fitness gained in the Catskills will help a great deal. All of the...
  5. MattC

    CLIF and LUNA bar recall

    Thanks Michael. Figures, I just bought a few bars last night, although I can't remember if any contain pb. Matt
  6. MattC

    Free Shawangunk Ridge Lecture Series

    Thanks for posting Tom. I was just thinking about this last night. I'll be there next week for sure. Matt
  7. MattC

    Catskill Snow Conditions

    Probably better off ascending that side of Indian Head rather than descending, too. It can be icy, especially that steep pitch below the lookout ledge that faces Plattekill Mt. Have fun. Matt
  8. MattC

    Vly and Bearpen - 12/28 - and a bonus!

    Congrats David! That's pretty cool that the down timber was cleared while you were up the hill. Matt
  9. MattC

    high in the icy Sandwich Range on Sunday

    Great pics as always. Good question. I know the coating after an ice storm can make foraging very difficult for birds, but I have no idea about moose. I would guess that they could just bite through icy twigs or endbuds due to their huge jaws, but I could be wrong. Matt
  10. MattC

    Going gluten free on a long hike

    That's actually a good point, and considerate of you. Matt
  11. MattC

    Going gluten free on a long hike

    Interesting question. I'm not and I haven't, but I do have a good friend who is gluten intolerant. It has forced him to constantly be creative in his approach to food and nutrition. He actually feels like he eats better for it though. I would say it's a bit of a problem, but nothing that...
  12. MattC

    woodpecker breakfasting in Krumville

    And as it happens, we have just that, at least for New York State. Our state's 2nd Breeding Bird Atlas is just coming out this month. It should be available now or very soon. There is also an exhibit at the NYS Museum in Albany about the atlas and the work that went into the associated census...
  13. MattC

    woodpecker breakfasting in Krumville

    I've seen Pileated in 3 places I can recall off the top of my head. Once in the Catskills on the west side of Hunter mountain, in flight. Once at Mills-Norrie SP, also in flight. Once on the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail, working on a tree. The flight is truly something to see. I've seen the large...
  14. MattC

    waterworks in rosendale?

    Interesting idea. We could use the rail trail for the "long approach." Might lend sort of an expedition feel. But actually I am moving soon and it's looking like it might be to Rosendale coincidentally. If that happens I will be living right near this mighty peak. Matt
  15. MattC

    woodpecker breakfasting in Krumville

    Yes, definitely a Pileated, so the Woody reference is appropriate. Nice shots. Matt
  16. MattC

    waterworks in rosendale?

    I never even knew that craggy little hill had a name! I'd be up for that expedition some time. Matt
  17. MattC

    Hiking for Non-Hikers (Lake Maratanza Loop)

    Maratanza feels kind of surreal to me sometimes, because of the juxtaposition of the natural setting with the towers and crumbling road. Feels like Area 52 or something, like a place where the government has space aliens locked up in an underground lab. (We need a smiley with a tinfoil hat...
  18. MattC

    Grace Peak Update 11-23-08

    Cool. Thanks for posting. Hopefully that helps build some momentum. Matt
  19. MattC

    Balsam Lake Weekend 1/9-11/2009

    I can't say definitely, but I'd say they're a good chance I'd be up for a dayhike up there on that weekend. Hopefully my back shouldn't be an issue by then. My agenda this winter has less to do with bagging peaks than other stuff like studying nature, birding, practicing skiing, having fun...
  20. MattC

    Double Trouble? H&F do DoubleTop

    Nice that you got to meet them. Dr. K is a gentleman and a scholar. Cool. Sometimes those first snows make for great tracks. 3500' is usually about where the boreal forest begins in the Catskills, so if the frosty trees were spruce and/or fir, your estimate is probably accurate. As the...