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  1. alpinista

    Rhode Island High Point - are you game?

    The skeletal remains of the amusement park (Rocky Point) are still there, sometimes the victim of arsonists. BTW, for giggles, check out the link at the bottom of the wikipedia page that directs viewers to other topics related to "Rhode...
  2. alpinista

    Rhode Island High Point - are you game?

    Not to worry. It's still safely tucked away on a side street by City Hall. Yes, even with Buddy no longer "working" next door! forestgnome: I used to live in Warwick, and would drive occasionally through/by Wickford on my way to the beach. I always thought it was a kinda cute town!
  3. alpinista

    Rhode Island High Point - are you game?

    Ummm, is "because it's there" too much of a cliche??? :D
  4. alpinista

    Winter on Waumbek 3/9/07

    Way to go, Bobby! Nice trip report _ and gotta love the pic of Homer in the spruce trap! :D
  5. alpinista

    Banff in NYC - March 6 and 7

    Sad to say, work kept me later than usual yesterday so I missed the festivities. The lineup looked really awesome too. Hope everyone had a good time!
  6. alpinista

    Pittsfield VT Snowshoe Marathon and Half Marathon

    Excuse my ignorance, but am I reading this right, Una_Dogger _ a marathon and half-marathon in snowhoes???? Yikes! Great job everyone!
  7. alpinista

    Carter Dome for 47. 3-1-07

    Wonderful trip report, McRat -- one of the best I've read in a long time. Your descriptions really put me there on the trail with you. Sounds like a magical trip!
  8. alpinista

    Banff in NYC - March 6 and 7

    I'm planning to be there on Wednesday. Looking forward to it!
  9. alpinista

    Some Skiing Photos

    Dave: I like in the first photo how the skiers tips are reflected back in his goggles. That's awesome! Too bad that danged padded pole and orange rope are in the way -- maybe you can airbrush those out??? :)
  10. alpinista

    Camelback VS. Platypus Hoser

    I don't know if it'll make a difference in preventing the leaking, but I use a camelback and carry it in an insulator bag (the silver cloth thingie; yes, that's highly technical). Not only does it protect against getting dinged by gear, but it keeps the water cool.
  11. alpinista

    Another aspect of being prepared for Winter

    My spare tire is my belly. Maybe it's too many of those donuts TomRankin was talking about! :eek: ;) Tom _ glad to see it was a woman who was able to come to your rescue! You can never count on AAA!
  12. alpinista

    First Hiking Maps Of Mars

    I had a feeling you guys were all from Mars (yes, I'm from Venus!) :p
  13. alpinista

    Doug Paul injured in a back-country ski accident

    Hang tough, Doug! I hope you're able to get out and about soon!
  14. alpinista

    Flat Mountain Pond Overnight 2/10-2/11

    I'd love to see pix if you've got 'em. It's a special place _ and must be even more magical in winter!
  15. alpinista

    Proposal to have NY section of VFTT?

    As probably the newest resident of NY... I'm frankly torn about this proposal. On one hand, I don't see how adding a section really interferes with the experience that New England-based hikers have with VFTT. It's one extra section that can be easily ignored if you're not interested in checking...
  16. alpinista

    A New Look at the Old Man

    That's neat! Thank god they gave up the idea of trying to patch him up and rebuild him with plastic molding, or whatever the plan was. This seems much more fun, quirky and appropriate.
  17. alpinista

    NYC welcomes Alpinista!

    Gee, it's a shame that since you all signed it in ink that it's not something I could ever get washed, thus, I won't ever be able to wear it! ;)
  18. alpinista

    2/8 - NYC Beer night and welcome Alpinista

    Thanks to each of you for the fine welcome to New Yawk! It was great to see some old friends and meet some new ones _ and to toast it with some fine brews!
  19. alpinista

    Hiking St. Lucia- into the Rain Forest- part 2.

    That's some amazing terrain, Tony! Thanks for sharing the pix. It's always fun to see something different than the mountains we have here!
  20. alpinista

    2/8 - NYC Beer night and welcome Alpinista

    Dang, I'd have difficulty adjusting to either of those wardrobes and various, um, accoutrements! :eek: I may be able to wiggle out of the other engagement I had that evening. If so, I'll be there by 6:30 with bells on! And maybe my new Yankees cap! :D