whatever !!
Yeah, so, see? I really do hike!
Oh, and post, too... I'm posting right now!
crap, boss coming... gotta go
Thanks for an awesome weekend guys !!
Hey now!!! It's not my choice to be busy that weekend.
First, I have the kids and second, I have my Black Belt test that Friday night, so wouldn't be able to come that night even if I didn't have the kids.
I would love to go, but it's just not working. I told you to have it in April like...
Steve, you know I can't do that weekend :(
Although watching Chomp shoot a bigger gun might be fun. I'll bring my Sigg 9mm :eek: oh, wait, I can't make it!!
Add me to your list.
Sounds awesome! Oh, and thursdays are an option as well for us ladies I see.
Hm, Nartreb, you can wear your sequined halter top :)
Awesome Mats !! That's a fine way to get back to the trails.. all out!
Wish I could have been there, even in the brutal cold :)
We will celebrate soon. :eek:
GG... now I get another chance to be at your finish... see? it really is all about me!