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  1. HikerAmiga

    Women and hiking

    Not sure about my female comrades as I don't believe I've ever discussed this with any of them, but while some of my male counterparts have been total gentlemen with me on the trail helping me up a steep trail or down a difficult section, others have not. I've appreciated both types of...
  2. HikerAmiga

    Four new ice routes on Chestnut Hill Massif

    Oh, gosh!! If I'd known you guys would be climbing the glacier I wouldn't have bailed out the night before! :o That glacier was on my list too! :p
  3. HikerAmiga

    Women and hiking

    Yes, it was a guy...and someone who claimed to have 30+ years mountaineering and leadership experience in the Whites too. I wasn't terribly offended but more amused than anything else at the mentality some people have. I noticed he liked to cater to women hikers and gave him some tips about...
  4. HikerAmiga

    Women and hiking

    Not sure how we compare (male vs. female) as I am more in tune with my experience as a woman. I will say that I am single and enjoy hiking solo especially when I need my solitude. I also enjoy partnering with another person or going on group hikes. Early on I recall another forum's trip...
  5. HikerAmiga

    Waumbek Cookie (and Mitten) Monster

    This was indeed a great hike in great company but I must say, this mischievous doggy certainly gave us a good laugh!! Not sure RLC feels the same... :D
  6. HikerAmiga

    Chimney Pond Baxter Trip 3/1-3/6

    Wow! Fantastic trip report, Guy!! I could sense your every emotion so vividly! I truly know what you mean about Baxter being such a special place like no other and feeling totally enamored with it--I experienced this realization late last Fall when I first got to visit Baxter and am still in...
  7. HikerAmiga

    Night Hikes at the Blue Hills.

    Yes, and yes again, Dave! Incidentally, the reservation has it's own ski area so there's not only glissading that's possible in certain steep sections but you can actually ski including free xc skiing in certain areas. Namely across the street from my house starting at the golf course and...
  8. HikerAmiga

    Night Hikes at the Blue Hills.

    The Skyline Trail is about 9 miles end to end. You'll need a carspot on the other end near the expressway if you start at the Shea Rink. I would not hike it alone as the Skyline has some pretty steep sections that could be tricky in the dark. Good luck!
  9. HikerAmiga

    Winter Gathering??

    Just curious but those who braved it and tented out, how cold was it? :confused:
  10. HikerAmiga

    Winter Gathering??

    Ohhhh, nooooo!! :confused: :eek:
  11. HikerAmiga

    Winter Gathering??

    Turns out I'll be missing this one! Darn it!! :( Not feeling well due to a lingering cold! I hope you all have a super time!! Stay warm and safe!!
  12. HikerAmiga

    Winter Gathering??

    Being lazy here as I haven't been keeping up with this thread, but need to ask if this gathering is a Friday-Sunday event or will it spill over past Sunday night and into Monday as some of us have the holiday off? A friend is visiting me Saturday and we're hiking the Blue Hills so the earliest...
  13. HikerAmiga

    missing hiker - body found

    I sometimes hike solo though try not to especially in the winter but even then, I do sometimes when I can't get company. I simply try to be cautious and 'trail (street) smart'. There have been many times when I've been asked if I am hiking alone and I've never denied this. A few times, I've...
  14. HikerAmiga

    Winter Gathering??

    I'm in. Looking forward to it! Will somebody please talk BoB into coming? :o When I told him it was going to be at Barnes, he sounded disappointed. Apparently he thought it would be in Maine near a reputed great Mexican taco restaurant :confused: --"Mi casa" or something like that...
  15. HikerAmiga

    Kahtoola Microspikes - great for this time of year

    From what I can tell, the best deal going for these right now is the one RLC posted above...I just ordered a pair and tacked on a pair of hand warmers for a $1.00 more and got the free shipping. Can't wait to test them out!
  16. HikerAmiga

    Does your S.O. read or post here?

    I agree...we're people with like interests but yet different enough to make for interesting associations... Most fulfilling for me has been meeting so many new friends!! :D Thanks Darren for creating VFTT!! Thanks VFTT for being such a great community of friends!! ;)
  17. HikerAmiga

    Kahtoola Microspikes - great for this time of year

    Wow! Who can resist this deal! :eek: :D Thanks for sharing!
  18. HikerAmiga

    Franconia Ridge Loop: Cold and Clear - 11/24/07

    I didn't get to hike with y'all as I was babysitting the niece but I really enjoyed the after party at the Mountainhouse!! Thanks to Mtnmama and Mtnpa for letting us camp (inside) there!! :D Nice time indeed!!
  19. HikerAmiga

    Mt. Willard 11/25/07 with the kids;or patience rewarded.

    Good job!! Now how was the initial water crossing? Just yesterday, my 12 year old niece and I got stuck here at the crossing. The water was flowing high and the rocks that were above water, were icy. Did you find solid ice to walk across on? We weren't sure how waterproof her boots were so...
  20. HikerAmiga

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving! Yes, may everyone near and far enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday among your friends and loved ones!!! May you stay safe if you venture outdoors or travel. Enjoy!!