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  1. W

    Rumors about Thoreau Falls Bridge Removal

    Very much agreed. But there is a person who is just appalled and horrified at the sight of any man-made structure in this Wilderness and that is the person in charge, at the moment. I'm confused by that, but I'm often confused. I think I get this. The bridge we're talking about is not over the...
  2. W

    Rumors about Thoreau Falls Bridge Removal

    Never give up. There's the old story about the philosopher about to be put to death by the Emperor for heresy. The philosopher promises that he will teach the Emperor's beloved dog to talk, within a year. His friends afterward lament to him, "A dog can't talk; that's impossible; you will most...
  3. W

    Rumors about Thoreau Falls Bridge Removal

    I am shocked ... shocked to learn that there is gambling going on in here ... I mean that there is a bridge on the Thoreau Falls Trail. Everybody out at once!
  4. W

    Short Essey on Cell Phones & Wilderness

    I NEED to use a GPS; I suffered a brain injury many years ago that left me with short-term memory and attention deficits that I have to compensate for. But I urge restraint and discretion in cell phones, gps's, music-over-speakers, and all the other gadgets already here and to come. Nobody can...
  5. W

    Bushwhacking from AT to South Taconic Trail

    Started on East Street parking right on the CT line and looped around. Everything on the NW passage sure looks different with the snow. Good news is that with no foliage at all you can actually see the low rocky knoll right from the AT exit point. But I floundered around for a few minutes off...
  6. W

    West, East, and North of the North Fork!

    The Pine Island Loop off the East Side trail in that area is pretty much gone.
  7. W

    West, East, and North of the North Fork!

    FWIW I've been told by Rangers at the LW station that it will be a very long time, if ever. There are also, if I'm remembering correctly, some scattered old red bricks in the same area. That is very near the place where one of our party described the crossing as requiring some "swimming"! There...
  8. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    We found that spot wide and slow, but with several yards pretty deep compared to upstream a little bit. One described it as requiring "swimming" through that short stretch of the crossing, but I'll certainly take another look. Yes, that's a major issue here. You go high up and it seems it may be...
  9. W

    Grand Canyon backpack, 10/8-10/14

    I don't think I've ever seen Ribbons Falls without at least a modest crowd there, except in cold temperature seasons where nudie would be even more uncomfortable than inappropriate. Plus shrinkage. Regrettably the "ribbons" down the falls, the sheets of growth, are dissipating because of human...
  10. W

    Suggestions for meals while winter backpacking

    You can save quite a bit of weight and volume for a long trip by doing pretty much what you said but putting the original gloppy stew or whatever (not too soupy) onto a dehydrator (on a net tray and catching the leakage on a "fruit leather" solid tray below) and taking a lot of the moisture out...
  11. W

    Grand Canyon backpack, 10/8-10/14

    I did the Hermit Trail for the first time a few days ago and it could almost be described as a walk in the park for a long time White Mountain hiker. There are long sections where the original Sante Fe cobblestone is still intact, or has been restored. Though the trail is described as "not...
  12. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    It would be a _hugely_ serious issue. [EDITED TO ADD: but it isn't, in fact] My experience is you've slipped a decimal point there or something, but I'm sure you're correct [EDITED TO ADD: not correct] and my observations have been wrong [EDITED TO ADD: accurate, as it turns out]. I have not...
  13. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    No. Not meaningless at all. In the worst case here I'd say only 100 feet or so off. I think WGS84 (or NAD83 which I think you'd agree is virtually identical for all practical purposes) is to be taken unless someone states another datum. I took Hillwalker's reference to be WGS84. All the points...
  14. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    Thanks. I'm traveling for a couple of weeks but after that, if there's not a lot of snow, I'll try to confirm some of my suspect GPS points with other equipment and, if valid, will publish. I don't ski (except on warm water while attached to a boat) so I don't know how slabbing the steep banks...
  15. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    A couple of days ago the level mellow trail was a flowing stream starting a little N of the monument! First time I've seen that. Wide and deep and running like it owned the place! I'd done enough bushing already on that trip so I turned back. Thanks for all the info.
  16. W

    Found: Camp chair

    I posted a notice a few weeks ago that I found a camp chair along the bank of the E Pemi beyond the Bondcliff trailhead on the former Wilderness Trail but the post apparently did not take.
  17. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    A few points from a just completed trip. The crossing much further up the North Fork is actually tougher than the two lower crossings I discussed. Of these two, the higher up (by only 100 yards or so) most people would find much better. Shallow (never hit my knees), slow moving. There is...
  18. W

    yuk!!!! only wilderness counts?

    I'm not going to comment. It's killing me, but I'm not going to comment.
  19. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    I agree. But both crossings I have identified are pretty low on the North Fork so the bushwhacking total length is about the shortest it's going to get. A route intersecting one or both trails higher up is desirable but maybe the most useful priority right now is to establish the shortest Molly...
  20. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    Fixed the typos in posts #2 and #6 to read "NFS". I apologize to readers and to the NPS for my serious error. As far as responsibility for renaming trails and eliminating trails from maps, etc, I now realize I don't know whether the NFS is directly responsible for that. Obviously the original...