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  1. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    The plaque is low to the ground and easily missed even without snow cover. It has been deeply scratched, slashed. We are sure, very hopeful anyway, that it has happened over the years unintentionally by poles digging into the snow, rather than by deliberate vandalism. The whole area around it...
  2. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    The spot you're describing sounds like it _may_ be the point where you'd cross the North Fork to the visit the site of the 1950s plane crash. The rail bed indeed goes upstream for quite a distance on the other side but I don't remember whether it extends downsteam as well. That is usually a...
  3. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    Molly Route - First Try My first actual need to find a Molly Route to compensate for our destroyed bridge was to get from the lower Thoreau Falls Trail to the Bondcliff trailhead. Some would say the best Molly Route is simply to cross the Pemi East Branch S-N in the vicinity of the older...
  4. W

    Bushwhacking from AT to South Taconic Trail

    I have used the connector several times and I think it's very serviceable. I know I promised to do further work on this and post additional info and I have been remiss. My initial exit from the AT has since been marked with pink surveyor tape (starting at the low rocky knoll just off the AT)...
  5. W

    Saturday Hike from Crawford Notch

    I can also confirm, first hand from a trip several days ago, no problems.
  6. W

    Outdoor Research - Rocky Mt low gaiters - product review

    I called Outdoor Research about it, and was led to believe they had never heard of the problem. I was never offered any assistance other than being advised to send them back to Campmor (which I did not do; it wasn't _Campmor's_ fault the things were shoddy).
  7. W

    Climber Who Left Partner Cited for Disorderly Conduct

    That's hard to get away from. Don't think I could do it. I suppose, if I thought he was wimping out in a relatively benign situation, and I knew the Rangers had been notified and had visually ID'd his location, AND if I thought _I_ might be charged thousands of dollars for rescue costs if I...
  8. W

    Outdoor Research - Rocky Mt low gaiters - product review

    The old style low gaiters (in a CHOICE of colors) with the grommets for a cord underneath were wonderful; one pair of those had lasted me probably a decade, until the elastic simply wore out. The new style (black only) with attached under-straps have not worked out well for me. The fold-over...
  9. W

    Winter camping in New Hampshire

    With age I seem no longer able to find that "warm and toasty" level that was always so wonderful. Seems lately (including some pretty cold highups already this year) I'm either just barely not cold, or sweating. I know when I fall asleep I'm going to wake up soon, one way or the other. I'm...
  10. W

    Liberty/Flume Traverse

    I take it you mean, mostly, the dark "bars" going crosswise against the generally lighter soil? Are these stains from the tar leaching out of the ties? I saw no trace of the ties themselves, no pieces of wood at all, just those stains.
  11. W

    Leave no Trace...Really?

    I think people who have a problem with it are thinking too much water. Only about 1/2 ounce of water is sufficient as an aid to scraping off just about all that is left in the pot. That's just a sip of soup. If you've got an easily-relightable stove, give that 1/2 ounce a brief jolt and it's HOT...
  12. W

    Sharing your water - survival, comfort, or ethical question ?

    I know, that's what everybody says, with a smile like this guy is off the rails. I don't know how people live their lives without continually calculating odds. Not to mention work! It's something I regard as natural as breathing and it has become so automatic I always know what the likely...
  13. W

    Leave no Trace...Really?

    I'm not sure why the angst. You scrape and eat as much as possible off the bottom & sides of your pot with your spoon. You pour a small amount of water in the pot, scrape again, and drink the couple of sips. Hey, you just ate it for dinner; if it was good then it's good now. A quarter square of...
  14. W

    Dry River Trail status

    The very upper part of the trail, intersecting with the Crawford Path somewhat south of Lakes, still exists but using it is verboten because there is some kind of rare growth in the area requiring protection. The official trail now branches off to the right, climbs and meanders north and...
  15. W

    Sharing your water - survival, comfort, or ethical question ?

    Yes. It's a proportion, a balance, a scale. Expending your resources (as you assess the [now] dead guy needs them) vs. risk to you. All your resources at no risk to you, sure, the (now) dead guy gets it all. Time, effort, water, electrolytes, argument & persuasion, forceful physical...
  16. W

    25 Miles in the Dry River Wilderness

    Hard to believe, but the upper Dry River Trail is in better shape now than a year or so ago. Some work has definitely been done.
  17. W

    FOUND: Pair of Glasses Near Mt. Flume

    Small pair of spectacles, probably reading glasses. Sitting on shelf-like knob of tree. In a flat spot just to the West of the Franconia Ridge Trail, a little bit North of the Flume summit.
  18. W

    GPS or Map & Compass?

    Apparently not as obscure as mine.
  19. W

    GPS or Map & Compass?

    Memorize the map. Your mind is your best navigating tool. Batteries fail, maps shred or blow away. If you insist on technology, bring along a sewing needle for a compass. Rub it on wool to magnetize it and float it on a leaf in a bit of water, that's all the edge you need.
  20. W

    Route Around Removed Pemi Wld. Bridge?

    Is anybody sharing information about the easiest walk from Lower Bondcliff Trail to the Thoreau Falls Trail, to compensate for the removed Pemi Wilderness Suspension bridge? Basically I'm looking for a route to substitute for the bridge, and I haven't been there for awhile. At one point in a...