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  1. P

    Hiking Adirondacks this weekend?

    Some alternatives For several years prior to my retirement from teaching, I offered some hiking opportunities for fifth graders and their parents. The hike suggestions mentioned below were a popular part of the seasonal package. One important aspect of the overall strategy was that the hike...
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    Santanoni's May 29

    Prune Feet Indeed! vplhiker................... Great TR...... congrats for a successful Santanoni experience! Your descriptive made me LOL as I recalled so many torturous "slogs" of my own resulting in ugly, wrinkley, puckered, stinky, tired, but oh so relieved feet painfully soaking in...
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    Bear canisters required where?

    A difference of opinion While I agree with your thoughts regarding the consequences of the new regulations concerning adjacent wilderness areas to the Eastern High Peaks, I do not support the notion that places as much responsibility on While I suspect some of what you say fits a bear's...
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    Bear canisters required where?

    Correction I just got off the phone with Kenneth Kogut, Region 5 Headquarters in Ray Brook. He said you do not have to have a bear-resistant container in the Dix Mountain Wilderness or the Giant Mountain Wilderness. I apologize for getting a bit side-tracked on this issue. When I went to the...
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    Bear canisters required where?

    The Bear Necessities! Audrey..... The answer to your question is no.....and yes. Because both areas you speak of are not located in the Eastern High peaks Zone, bear-resistant containers are not required in either location. The Eastern High Peaks Zone is marked on the composite map included...
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    GOthics via Pyramid

    Hike Time anita514.... Hike times are so variable (depending on many known and often unknown factors) that it is not in the best interest of people new to a route to hear hike times from people who have been over the route several times. The last thing I want to do is to preempt any part of...
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    GOthics via Pyramid

    I'd bet on that! anita514....... One never knows of the true conditions above 4000' at this time (or anytime) of year. The environment changes so rapidly it is always wise to be prepared with whatever it takes to get you safely to your goal. Might you still be able to summit without...
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    GOthics via Pyramid

    Happy Trails! It is (arguably) the best loop in the High Peaks! Good luck and safe climbing!
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    GOthics via Pyramid

    Trip Reports ADK4Life.... There are two trip reports involving Pyramid/Gothics on the NY Trail Conditions section of this website: The first is from 5/5/05 and the other is from 4/20/05. They might be helpful in your plans.
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    GOthics via Pyramid

    Summit Insurance There is still enough snow and ice enroute to warrant crampons. Whether you carry full boot crampons or instep/stabilicers, etc., it is always wise to prepare for icy conditions at this time of year - especially on the steep approach to Pyramid from the Sawteeth/Pyramid col...
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    Felspar Slide

    1990 East Slide The East Slide on Mt. Colden is an exhilarating challenge and can be done without technical equipment. A friend and I climbed it in 2003 on a spectacular fall day. It was one of the best days I've ever experienced in 25 years of hiking. Here is a narrative from my journal. Mt...
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    Hiking Santanoni's May 29th

    BFA (Black Fly Alert) I was in that neck of the woods yesterday (5/6/05). The black flies were bothersome at the trail head and on stops along the way, but thankfully not biting yet. By the 29th, be prepared for bugs up the wazoo! The Santanoni Mountains are notorius for the scourge of the...
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    Correct Method for Creating Blazes

    Marker Eating Trees Unbeknownst to many hikers is a militant group of trees that have eluded DEC intelligence (Is that an oxymoron?) for years. It takes an extremely astute, experienced hiker to actually discover and capture these secretive species in the act of their life-long mission --...
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    Summer planning advice.....

    After two successul and extremely rewarding Great White Adventures (2003; a 3-day Pemigewasset loop that took us over the incredible summits of Mt. Lincoln, Mt. Lafayette, Mt. Garfield, Mt. Hale, South Twin and North Twin along with two great Huts - Greenleaf and Galehead and 2004, a 4-day...
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    Vermont....Mountain Guide

    Additional recommendations..... Heather, In addition to the resources mentioned by others in this thread, I have found that Jared Gange's books (although not as detailed as the AMC White Mountain Guide or the ADK Region Guides), present an excellent overview of hiking opportunities in various...
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    Measuring the how steep a slope is.

    Get a "rise" out of this...... This is an interesting and very informative discussion. I apologize for my late response, but attached is a photograph of one of the steepest sections of the Blue Connector Trail from the Phelps Trail to the Upper Range Trail on a recent snowshoe hike to Mt...
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    blue and adams, adk

    Crampons? Since snow/ice conditions change daily, crampons would probably be a good idea regardless of where you go. If your snowshoe crampons are fairly aggressive, you should be able to handle most trail situations. However, there may be some sections (steep or icy or both) that may be less...
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    winter peak bagging with non insulated boots

    Peace of mind "insurance" adirobdack46er, Each of us has his or her own take on what to do regarding winter preparedness. And I respect those people who have offered their opinions on your inquiry. is the sum of my 30-year experiential wisdom. I've always subscribed to the...
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    Haystack,Basin & Saddleback = W46

    Kudos, Phil! Congratulations Phil! We are all so proud of you! It was a finish worthy of the finisher! Your sincere trip report graciously and humbly acknowledges the endearing relationships that are so meaningful to such an extraordinary life experience. The voice of your hiking experience...
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    Snot funny

    "Buck snort!" Some folks in these parts refer to this time-honored tradition as a "buck snort!" Similar to the warning, "fire in the hole", it is only proper that the "buck snorter" warns others within striking distance of the imminent blast prior to launch. I've also heard people mistakenly...