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  1. R

    Underhill State Park Off Season Camping?

    Greetings, Does anyone out there know if camping is allowed in the Underhill State Park Campground Vermont in the off season? We are looking to hike Mansfield in a few weeks and due to the long ride we were thinking of setting up camp in the campground. I understand there are lean-to sites as...
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    Owl's Head Slide?

    I read a few recent trip reports of folks bushwhacking around the slide up to Owl's Head. I also read a report suggesting if you were not comfortable with using an ice axe to navigate the slide directly, it probably would not be a good idea to take that route. We are thinking of climbing Owl's...
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    Protocol for claiming spot at shelter

    Was up there a few weeks ago. We claimed spots along the outer walls by laying our sleeping pads, some assorted gear and then we took off to do West Bond. Arrived back, a few folks were there setting up not having a problem with our "reserving" a few pieces of real estate. Redwood
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    Biking Lincoln Woods Trail

    Hey Dave, I did do the Bonds the "legal way" back in '95. It's my hiking partner that will have to make this call since it is his first time at the attempt, bikes or no bikes... Thanks for the helpful info... Redwood 100/100
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    Biking Lincoln Woods Trail

    I was thinking of biking in the old railroad bed, Lincoln Woods Trail up to Bondcliff Trail. Has anyone done this? Is it safe to leave bikes (secured of course) somewhere on or off trail for a few days? Comments, suggestions, ideas, stories? Thanks, Redwood
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    Sore feet?

    The bottom of my feet have a tendency to get real sore if I get lazy and dont replace my inserts after they have gotten compressed. Two things that keep my feet happy are hiking socks with good "loft" (changing to fresh ones half way through a long hike helps too!) and as stated earlier, inserts...
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    Does anyone out there experience skin chafing following a long extended hike or just any hike at all? I wear all the current hi-tec wicking gear and try to change out of wet gear that is up against the skin as frequent as possible during a hike, but most of the time chafing is unavoidable and...
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    Snow/Chain Of Ponds - Best Way In?

    A few of us are heading into hike Snow the one in the Chain Of Ponds area. By looking at the Maine Gazateer it seems like there may be a way in by vehicle via Rt 27. I understand there is an unmaintaied trail up, just looking to see how to get to it. Any info appreciated. - Redwood
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    Where To Send E. Kennebago Log Book?

    I've read a few posts that a new log book is needed on East Kenebago. I'm heading up to this sumit in a few weeks and will replace the old log book. Anyone have any idea where the full log book should be sent? To what address? Maybe the AMC HQ in Boston? Any input appreciated...
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    Satelite Parking At Baxter?

    So.. Looks like from the posts that late arrivals with cars on the site reservation can park in the day lot of the campground for the time, days and nights the site is reserved at $12 per vehicle? In this case it would be Katahdin Stream which I believe has about 25 parking spaces.
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    Satelite Parking At Baxter?

    Folks, My group has two sites reserved in Baxter in late August. The group will be about eight. The majority of the group, five or so will be arriving together and registering upon park entry. The remainder of the group will be late arrivals due to schedule conflicts. My question is, we'll have...
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    Snow Mt Maine/Access Permission?

    Several years ago before hiking Snow Mt in Maine I had to request permission in order to pass through the gate at Couburn Gore into the logging area where the unmaintained trail to the summit starts about 6 to 7 miles in. I also understand this summit trail can be accessed off RT 27 via a few...
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    Elephant Mt. Winter Access?

    Folks, Anyone know the status of the roads (plowed/unplowed)leading up to where the bushwhack to Elephant Mt. begins. Last time I bushwhacked it, we were able to drive in from South Arm road to Elephant Mt. road then made our way up a few logging roads and parked where we headed in through a...
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    Baxter Reservation Stuff

    Happy Holidays All, Just looking for information from any folks that have had experienced with the reservation process for Baxter State Park. I understand from their web site thatyou can mail your reservation request as early as 12/26/03 for the 2004 season, which I have already done. Just some...