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  1. Driver8

    Cedar Brook Trail reroute in progress???

    Thanks for this work and for updating the progress, J&J. Does the trail now stay to Cedar Brook's right all the way to joining Hancock Loop Trail, northbound?
  2. Driver8

    Total lunar eclipse, Sun, Sept 27 -- Mon Sept 28

    I got plenty of photos when the eclipse was partial but ran into difficulties when it was total. Still a novice with the 70D I recently acquired, I seem to have pressed a wrong button or two. The cam stopped taking pics, then I couldn't get it to lock in on the moon, focus and shoot. Drove home...
  3. Driver8

    Is it possible to be a long-term hiker without resorting to lists?

    I see the grid as overboard for my purposes. I'd want too much to see unseen territory. Of the 21 NH48's I've done, there've been some I'm eager to get back to - Lincoln, Liberty and Flume, Ike, Pierce, Cannon, Wildcat D come to mind - and three I already have - Big W, Moose and Lafayette...
  4. Driver8

    Is it possible to be a long-term hiker without resorting to lists?

    I had a similar experience with Starr King and Waumbek. The stretch from 3000 feet to the first summit was a feast for the eyes, the sun broke through the clouds between the summits for me, lighting up the fields of ferns, and the icing on the cake was that the only time Presidential high...
  5. Driver8

    Is it possible to be a long-term hiker without resorting to lists?

    If I love a mountain a lot, I'm inclined to visit it again. Also, sometimes I bite off, in a peakbag effort, more than I can chew, but consider the hike a success even so. A year ago, I visited the Kinsmen, but was too slow to get past K Pond. Was making a slow climb, and, once to Lonesome...
  6. Driver8

    New self-supported AT record

    Awesome. I raised on Whiteblaze the same point - would seem that with a full support crew, like Scott and Jen, Anish could give the record a scare. One person questioned whether the whole supported thing is her style. I could see where she might prefer not to go down that road, so the speak...
  7. Driver8

    Georg Feichtinger. "Over 70" "GRID" Finish

    Fantastic. A model and inspiration for us all. Congrats, Georg!
  8. Driver8

    Fatality on Mt Monadnock

    Looks like the mean ones got weeded out. Sorry to hear of this man's misfortune - could happen to any of us.
  9. Driver8

    Tecumseh view clearing

    Hiked it couple months ago. Loved that viewspot. Spoke with Steve Smith about it after and he noted its expansion and expressed the sense that the natural forces at work may have been aided by lobber and saw. I thought the Waumbek view much superior to those presently afforded by Starr King. I...
  10. Driver8

    Tecumseh view clearing

    Other than walking past it, I suppose, via the Sosman.
  11. Driver8

    Tecumseh view clearing

    Thanks again. Seems like the industrious view-improver has kept at it. Wonder if it's the same person, going around the Whites, doing this in selected places - Waumbek and Starr King, Gale River Trail, Tecumseh, etc. Come to think of it, I think I saw that side trail on my climb. Being very...
  12. Driver8

    Tecumseh view clearing

    Thanks, Tim. I want to understand clearly, if possible. Does your track depict you walking this herd path? So as you ascend to the summit from the south, by the left/west branch of the loop, the hp goes right, southward, from right near the summit? So it departs from the official trail on the...
  13. Driver8

    Tecumseh view clearing

    Haven't been there since Nov '13, so I can't add observations, only a question. If the loop's split, downhill of the summit, is at 12 o'clock and the southwestward section of the Mount Tecumseh Trail leading off the summit toward Tripoli Road is at about 4 o'clock, where is this new side trail?
  14. Driver8

    Tecumseh view clearing

    I agree with this, but have to say, also, I hated seeing all the stumps and dead tree parts when I visited Tecumseh almost two years ago. A little trim here and there is one thing. Leveling a significant patch of established forest, as there, is another. Had the view been maintained over time...
  15. Driver8

    Hancocks in the Rain, Ides of September 2015

    Nice report, Cumulus. Enjoyed the pics. I may have seen that same area of flagging on Cedar Brook last year. Stays on the right side of the river, on the hike out. Peters out into the woods after a bit.
  16. Driver8

    Tecumseh view clearing

    It's gotta be somebody who has easy access and is up there a lot. What are the classic crime/mystery-solver elements? Motive, opportunity and the means to do it? Probably could be narrowed down with a little deductive thinking.
  17. Driver8

    Reminder Highland Games in Lincoln this weekend

    I got into town abt 5:30 pm, just before the buses brought ppl back into town en masse from Loon. Had no slowdown taking usual route. Got early dinner at original Common Man in Ashland to avoid crowd - nice treat.
  18. Driver8

    Leaves starting to turn in the north country 9/16

    Any update? I coming up to Lincoln this weekend and may head anywhere to hike. Thinking about Cabot in NH and Ellen in VT.
  19. Driver8

    Reminder Highland Games in Lincoln this weekend

    Fuller directions: heading from LW west on Kanc to Lincoln, right about where the strip begins, the Kanc bends left. At that stop, Pollard Road veers rightward. This is where the Common Man restaurant is, which is superb, in my experience, btw. The Kancamagus Lodge is sandwiched between the Kanc...