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  1. hiking lady

    Map of the Belknap Range

    Gilford public library sells them for a few bucks. They have a book of maps you can look thru and pick those you want to purchase. Not the best quality, but I believe they are all there is.
  2. hiking lady

    Eastern Mountain Sports (EMS) has been sold...

    Bummer! I love their stuff!:(
  3. hiking lady

    The Psychology of (not?) exercising

    I struggle with this, since I am not into going to a gym, or using our rowing machine, that my husband loves. (too boring for me). I always find time a struggle to fit exercise in, but now that I am of the age that everything you put in your mouth goes to my waist, I need to MAKE the time. I...
  4. hiking lady

    Kerouac article in NYT

    That was a good article. Sounds like a place worth checking out!! Neat historical picture if gives. Thans for posting that!!
  5. hiking lady

    This Year's Hiking Season, I am THANKful for....

    I'm thankful for all those people on the internet that post about trails that are out there that I didn't even know existed, whether it be a blog, website or forum! The numerous resources that are out there have helped me discover hikes in the area I live in. It has made for a very successful...
  6. hiking lady

    Energy Drinks - Risks and Rewards

    I think energy drinks taste gross, but then again I don't even like soda. However I became heavily dependent on Mean Bean Vanilla and am two weeks sober from them. It is an expensive habit to say the least and fattening! I tried the 5 hour shot thing once and thought it tasted like cough syrup...
  7. hiking lady

    The Ritual

    My husband goes on the tuesday night group rides out of plymouth and has a ritual of washing his truck and bike before the ride. Ya think he has OCD?
  8. hiking lady

    Let's bee honest and tell the truth.

    Another thought to this, I'm not sure I could trust my own ranking, I may under or over estimate my own abilities and someone who knows me and hikes with me may feel my choice is incorrect!! Plus I just hike for the fun of it. Plus, what I may be capable of in the beginning of the season may...
  9. hiking lady

    Breaking a Mind Barrier on Garfield

    Congrats and it is great to hear your comeback was a success! I can so relate to your story! Having a friend along I'm sure made all the difference. I'm sure it felt great to have overcome your psychological barrier!
  10. hiking lady

    Anyone have a dog that doesn't like to hike?

    The other part that stinks about my dog not being able to hike is I sometimes hike solo and after having hiked a great deal solo with a dog for years it was like a built in safety protection (more psychological than real probably). So, having hiked solo since having not had a dog and then having...
  11. hiking lady

    Random thoughts on being prepared... or not...

    We are completely off the grid, have no poles coming to the house. (We live a mile up a mtn on a class VI road). We have a compost toilet and propane to heat our stove and provide some heat to the kitchen and bathroom. We also have a woodstove and fireplace, dug we'll and cell phone, and 2...
  12. hiking lady

    Anyone have a dog that doesn't like to hike?

    I hadn't thought of that, but he does have an old injury from getting hit by a bus when he was with his previous owner (I found him on Craigslist). He only limps on it when he jumps too much from playing fetch with the ball, but that likely also impacted his hiking capabilities.
  13. hiking lady

    Hunting season for deer

    I ran into quite a few this weekend while out mtn biking and hiking! Where that orange!
  14. hiking lady

    Anyone have a dog that doesn't like to hike?

    Not sure if this in the right spot to post this, but since it was mentioned that a dog thread may be appropriate, it brought to mind this thought. I've always had dogs that were hikers and 2 years ago I got a very large (120lb) Pyrennese/Golden Retriever who simply doesn't like to hike. I was...
  15. hiking lady

    TR: A hodge podge two week Wyoming adventure

    Beautiful pics, the Wind River Range is pretty Spectacular. Been there once, but only for a day in a whirlwind tour- would love to get back there someday!!
  16. hiking lady

    Pack the raingear for a possible surprise visit from Cousin Sandy next week

    OH NO! Sounds like another Irene! My friend Irene changed her name to Grace after the last storm :eek: Looks to be a long week.
  17. hiking lady

    Man vs Women

    I agree with what Billy said, which supports what I said, it is like comparing apples to oranges, whether it is rock climbing, or hiking, they simply can't be compared. This does seem like a bit of a ridiculous topic and it does appear that you are trying to stir controversy. Of course there are...
  18. hiking lady

    Man vs Women

    Can you really compare man vs. woman? That seems like comparing apples to oranges, given the physical make up of man and woman are different.
  19. hiking lady

    Leave The Wallet In The Car! - And Open Thank You To An Amazing Hiker Couple

    Great story. I had something similar happen to me this past week. I unknowingly dropped my cell phone in the office complex parking lot where I work. I had gone home sick and it must have fallen out of my pocket. A lawyer next door to the office I work in found it and went through quite a bit...
  20. hiking lady

    How to upset the locals regarding trail-head parking

    I can relate to this being a land owner- I've had to at times block off my property with no-trespassing signs, due to ATV's/4WD trucks causing significant damage to some muddy areas behind my house that is used as a snowmobile trail in the winter. The snowmobile club finally erected gates and...