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  1. carla

    Zealand area xc skiable? and Waterville area?

    I know you Northeners are getting lots of snow Franconia Notch and beyond. Can anybody report on whether the Zealand road and environs are XC ski-ready? Or if not, is there enough snow that snowshoes are required? And same query re Waterville area, although I think it's too far south...
  2. carla

    bolles trail trailhead from Ferncroft

    so it doesn't truly start from Ferncroft then... Thanks for that map! It seems that Ferncroft isn't a true starting point then. I may start from Kanc and walk in that way, in this case, just to avoid getting into the mix of the Chocorua hiking/parking issues...
  3. carla

    bolles trail trailhead from Ferncroft

    Haven't been to Ferncroft area in a while and I am thinking of going out on Bolles trail from Ferncroft toward Kanc. 1. Is the Bolles trailhead clearly marked at Ferncroft 2. I don't have my map or book with me now (at work)--anyone know the distance from Fern to Kanc via Bolles trail? Thanks...
  4. carla

    Livermore Trail from Kanc--any info?

    thanks all for advice I knew someone here would know! Very helpful...
  5. carla

    Best hand warmers

    hand warmers are a blessing! so many people like me have Reynaud's or just poor circulation or are pretty thin/not much body fat. Handwarmers have made my enjoyment of winter hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing possible. I used to suffer with claw-like hands and numb feet for years before...
  6. carla

    Livermore Trail from Kanc--any info?

    good question: parking? Becca, Larry, Michelle--what is the parking like there? If only wide spot, does it seem pretty kosher to park there> Thanks again for the great info!
  7. carla

    Livermore Trail from Kanc--any info?

    I've read in a few places that the Livermore Trail, from the Kanc to Livermore Pass is "seldom used." Anybody been on this part of the trail fairly recently and can tell me what I might expect? I.e does seldom used in this case = hard to follow? Any other info on hiking in on this trail...
  8. carla

    Keeping Score - Learning How To Count

    Viesturs' rule A hiking friend reminded me of Viesturs (and others') rule on hiking/mountaineering: "Getting to the top is optional, coming back down is mandatory," which would of course argue that the hike isn't done or accounted for until one has safely descended. Which sure makes sense to...
  9. carla

    Handicapped Dog Summits the Rockpile

    Readers' comments As usual the readers' comments are pretty amusing...lots of strong feelings about handicapped pets and whether dogs like to hike. I would love to take a dog on any of my hikes--they seem to love it! My favorite part was learning that a camel climbed Mt. Wash last...
  10. carla

    a nice walk with a bull moose

    Agree with Trish Forestgnome--who else can we rely on to get in there with the moose?! Be careful though, we don't want any Timothy Treadwell kind of enounters! ;)
  11. carla

    Keeping Score - Learning How To Count

    Uh, you did the winter 48, Mo! 1. I can't see why you don't qualify for the patch. You hiked them all on your own feet, no bikes, no gondolas, no off road vehicles. It doesn't matter whether some were more difficult than others. We've all had some hikes that wiped us out, but we still count...
  12. carla

    Advice for a New Englander moving to Utah

    no more moose photos? Forestgnome, everyone here has already told you what you need to know to start hiking in Utah--I second all the great things people have to say (have hiked in Bryce, Zion, Paria Slot canyons). Mainly what I also want to echo: I will really miss the moose photos. Always so...
  13. carla

    Moose on Mt. Washington

    Thank you for posting these great photos! you put in a lot of work and hours to get these--really wonderful!:):)
  14. carla

    Climber left behind to die on Everest

    interesting... Thanks for looking into this, Doug... This first happened to me on Mont Blanc, above 15K and heading to the summit and then on the way back down. The blurriness seemed to last longer on the way down...Then it happened again a few years later, in Peru, above about 16K. Soft...
  15. carla

    Climber left behind to die on Everest

    eyes at altitude Of course my experiences are MUCH MUCH lower, but I have found that if I get above 15,000 feet, my vision--with contact lenses--deteriorates. I can see fine if I put my glasses on, but with contacts, my vision becomes blurry and unfocused. What I'm looking at seems "smudgy."...
  16. carla

    The Story of Pete the Moose

    happy ending for Pete Glad to see that Pete and his friend can live happily ever after, or at least for now. I mean, what a sad story, the first one video, and the man and moose are so connected. Oh, I'm a sucker for pet stories, I really am....:)
  17. carla

    busy beavers in the land of Henry David

    cool photo! It is pretty amazing that they are doing this, and really close to "civilization."
  18. carla

    Lost Border Collie found today!!

    Yay! So glad to hear it! Woof!!!
  19. carla

    Yellowstone lodging recommendations

    Montana side lodgings, some thoughts on Ystone and Tetons I did a trip out there a few summers ago. I came in on the Wyoming side and spent a few nights in Jackson Hole and yes it's got everything but it's also pretty expensive... Also we drove through Yellowstone from the Wyoming side and...
  20. carla

    Snow-Free Trails 2010

    Mt Martha/Cherry Mtn trails Ok, there are some patches of snow up at the top, heading down to Cherry Mtn Rd, but I bet after the rain on Tues (when I hiked up there), it's all gone.... No special boots or anything needed though. And the patches of snow allow for excellent moose footprint...