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  1. carla

    Grand Canyon backpack, 10/8-10/14

    Nice! So great to see this! My hiking friend and I (Mary) did a nice corridor backpack through the GC a couple of weeks ago. North Rim start, camped at Cottonwood night 1, camped at Bright Angel night two, and out Bright Angel trail day 3. So beautiful! I am mentally planning/daydreaming of...
  2. carla

    White Mountain National Forest Open as of Tuesday 8/30/2011

    Wild river road still closed as of Sunday 9/4 Conforming: Sign still posted at 19 mile brook trailhead on Sunday 9/4 that Wild River Rd is closed...
  3. carla

    Wildcats A and D via 19 Mile Brook Trail, Wildcat Ridge Trail, down ski trails 9/4

    Lower 19 Mile Brook trail showed some erosion from Irene, but nothing tricky. Rest of this trail and Wildcat Ridge were as normal. Second bridge on the trail (approx .25 miles before the dam) is askew. Not totally washed out, but halfway off its base. Looks like trail maintainers added some...
  4. carla

    Missing Dog Alert (8/27), Waterville Valley, Drakes Brook Trail - Found

    So glad! Thanks for the great news! A happy surprise!!!:D:p
  5. carla

    Irene Storm Track

    ok I'm not hiking on Sat after all MWO still says that Saturday in Whites looks ok, but I will err on side of caution, mainly to avoid driving from Wildcats to Cambridge MA in the rain late Sat afternoon. I was really psyched up to do the 'Cats and thus finally end my second round of the...
  6. carla

    Irene Storm Track

    Not to be irreverent, but how do you "close" a forest, in any case? I see for my Wildcats hike on Saturday the chance of rain is downgraded to 30%. Good enough odds for me...and happily I will be done before the forest closes.
  7. carla

    Irene Storm Track

    how about Saturday I was thinking to do the Wildcats on Saturday. I *think* it will be ok. I see 60% chance of rain, but I am hoping to whip in, whip out. (In via 19 mile brook, over A and D peaks, down by ski slopes). Am I being foolhardy? Of course I will check the weather as we get closer...
  8. carla

    Owl's Head

    slide slippery/summit just another two cents: when i did this a few weeks ago it was a dry day and and the slide itself was dry, but the woods part (above the rock slide) were still wet and damp--i found that part almost more tricky than the rocks. so doing it in the rain would be pretty...
  9. carla

    Water Crossings in the Carters

    19 mile brook bridges i can add that i was also in the area this past sat--bridges are up on the 19 mile brook trail, to carter dome trail anyway, so no water crossings there to worry about... --carla
  10. carla

    best way to hike wildcats if solo

    Peak bagging only.... Yeah, only looking for Wildcat A and D this time. I'm on a quest to finish my second 48 and these are the last two! Thanks for all your advice--very helpful. I think a bike stash is how I'll do it. Sounds fun...! --Carla
  11. carla

    best way to hike wildcats if solo

    Any pointers out there on doing the wildcats if you don't have a second car? i've done them before by going up the ridge trail from ellis, climbing up to A, backtracking to E, going down the ski slope, and walking back to the car at ellis. pretty there another way to skin this...
  12. carla

    Owl's Head via Lincoln Woods, Franconia Brook, Lincoln Brook, slide Sat 7/30

    Saturday July 30, 2011 Trail Conditions: Lincoln Woods trail dry, Franconia Brook and Lincoln Brook trails some muddy spots, but not bad at all. The trail above the slide, to the summit, is very rough and wet and slippery. It's a bit tricky with lots of side paths. As you head up, bear left...
  13. carla

    Isolation via Rocky Branch (north), Isolation trail, Davis Path 7/23-- 7/24

    Sat 7/23--Sun 7/24 Trail Conditions: Trails were mainly dry, although muddy portions on all trails. I got the sense that Rocky Branch and Isolation trails at this end would be very wet in the spring or in a rainy time. Stream crossings all quite doable with rock hopping/dry boots. Very nice...
  14. carla

    Isolation via Glen Boulder?

    Camping along route #1 below (Rocky Branch north start)/Rocky Branch Shelter #2 So great to have all these options spelled out! If I wanted to do the Rocky Branch north start route as a camping trip, is the only option Rocky Branch Shelter #2? My book (very old--25th edition) said that this...
  15. carla

    cherry mountain road campsites

    does anyone know if the campsites on Cherry Mountain Rd can be reserved in advance (and if so how/where), or are they first come/first served? thanks!
  16. carla

    is it too early to start a "snow-free trails" thread?

    (sorry I posted this in wrong place earlier....) Anybody have recommendations for relatively snow-free trails for an Easter Weekend hike? Is it wishful thinking on my part, given how much snow we had this winter?
  17. carla

    Snowshoeing, x-c for kids near Lincoln?

    Mountain Rd not for small kids I concur with Doug here. It's a great long downhill for experienced XC skiers with stamina and who like to do turns, but it would be too much for 4-yr olds. That said, adults can do the mountain road, leaving one grownup with the younger kids across the street at...
  18. carla

    Best Route on Monadnock for Snowshoeing

    Another vote for Pumpelly I've hiked Pumpelly in winter with a combo of snowshoes and microspikes. On the bald part at the top I found that the crampons on the bottom of my snowshoes were enough traction, no need for the real crampons. Pumpelly is the nicest trail on Monadnock in my opinion...
  19. carla

    Trail-Skiing Conditions across the WMNF

    breaking trails/Gale River Rd just a thank you to those who do often break trails. Coming up from Mass, I almost always too late up to NH post-snowstorm to be the trail breaker. I've certainly done it, but it's pretty tough going for me as a small-ish woman. So I am always...
  20. carla

    The Bridges of Gale River Road

    Ditto, I would love to know this re Garfield Is it possible to ski up the road and then ski on the Garf trail until right below the last steep pitch?