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  1. dentonfabrics

    Durango or Yosemite?

    I've been to both during the past couple of years and it's two totally different experiences, although you cant go wrong either way. If it's hiking you're after, it's Yosemite. If it's a vacation with the family, Durango, although there's some great hiking opportunities. And don't forget...
  2. dentonfabrics

    What's your opinion of "Hiker Dies/Gets Lost" threads ?

    I think the posts and links belong here. The responses to the post tend to get a little repetitive tho....
  3. dentonfabrics

    Hiking in Long Pants

    Yes, the ticks have finally made it up north. I just finished a 42 pill/2 week cycle of penicillin as a precaution against Lymes because of all the ticks I've pulled off my legs (and other places) from hiking in the Whites this year. And the mosquitos - I got hammered today as bad as I ever...
  4. dentonfabrics

    Appalachia Essay by Laura Waterman

    If you enjoyed the Appalchia article, then I'd highly recommend reading her book about the tragedy, Losing The Garden. That book drew me in like few have. I havent received a new copy of Appalachia in months so I hope the latest one is headed my way. I'm looking forward to reading this...
  5. dentonfabrics

    Interesting Article About Beavers

    I agree. Although seeing evidence of beavers (dams, chewed trees, etc.) is evident all over the Whites, actually seeing one is rare, at least in my experience.
  6. dentonfabrics

    Waxing and Waning

    NH Fish & Game kicked off a campaign this spring called "Take back the weekend" (or something like that) in an effort to get more people back in the woods (and to sell more licenses). They came up with tips like - do your yardwork in the early evening - and stuff like that. I dont know how...
  7. dentonfabrics

    New Place in Town (Franconia) for Breakfast

    Make that "$$$$". $32 for 2, including tip when we stopped in last fall. That's a lot of dough for breakfast. Good food though. Probably an annual visit.
  8. dentonfabrics

    Don't have a hiking dog? How 'bout a cat?

    Interesting thread. We just got kitten, my first pet ever, and I've been wondering if he'll take to the outdoors, especially because he'll be raised as a house cat. Right now, at 9 weeks old, he's afraid of everything.
  9. dentonfabrics

    WMNF Forest Road Status

    Tunnel Brook Rd - Open Cherry Mtn Rd - Open
  10. dentonfabrics

    Insect Levels in Early June???

    And ticks, watch out for ticks. I've pulled 3 of them off me so far this year and I've never had a tick before. Bad year for ticks.
  11. dentonfabrics

    Newly released book

    Ha! Good call! Sounds like an interesting read.
  12. dentonfabrics

    hut to hut - mt biking trek

    I think there's a trail in Colorado that was for the 10th Mountain Division high altitude training. There are huts on that trail that (as I recall) are similar to the AMC huts here. I know it's a hikable trail, I _think_ it's bikable too. You might try googling 10th Mountain Division/high...
  13. dentonfabrics

    Gas prices up north

    On January 1, 2009 a gallon of gas cost $1.60. The price has increased almost 50% since then despite the fact that supply is relatively high and demand is relatively low.
  14. dentonfabrics

    WMNF Forest Road Status

    I hope so too. The Tunnel Brook Trail is one of my favorites. Cherry Mtn Rd is still closed too. The USFS guy I spoke to said "it needs some work before we open it", but gave no idea on when that would be.
  15. dentonfabrics

    Gas prices up north

    Amazing. Consumption is down, supplies are up, reserves are at all-time highs, and prices are - up? Huh?
  16. dentonfabrics

    some recent pics from the southern White Mts.

    Good job forestgnome! Impressive work.
  17. dentonfabrics

    Bear Notch Rd is Open (5/1/09)

    Thought this info might be timely for those of you headed to Pinkham Notch tomorrow. They opened the road this past Tuesday. Apparantly, this is as early as it's ever been open.
  18. dentonfabrics

    Missing Hiker in Northern Presidentials - Found safe

    Video summary of this event posted on youtube by the Union Leader
  19. dentonfabrics

    First Bear

    Here's my first bear encounter of 2009, this morning in Weeks State Forest. The bear crossed the trail about 100 feet in front of me then sauntered its way into the woods. It was a male, black as coal, still a little undernourished from the winter.
  20. dentonfabrics

    Avoid red, white & blue--May 3 hunting begins

    ...and keep in mind that the spring turkey hunt ends at noon each day.