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  1. MonadnockVol

    Blue Hills, Skyline Trail - 5/11/08

    Great pics.
  2. MonadnockVol

    Kayakers, Otter Brook, Is this you?

    Were you kayaking on the Otter Brook on 5/4/08? Is this you? If so, you can see a few more pics of yourself below: Kayakers, Otter Brook, 5/4/08
  3. MonadnockVol

    Africa: 17 year old trip report

    This trip report was inspired by the recent thread on ticks... DEET Vs. Bug-Off Informal Challenge ...which reminded me of the days when I was studying Blue Monkeys in the Kibale rainforest in western Uganda. We (my ex-wife and I) would spent from dawn to dusk every day hiking through the...
  4. MonadnockVol

    DEET vs. Bug-Off Informal Challenge

    Of course what ticks really love is the smell of butyric acid which is present in the sweat of all mammals. Even freshly showered ones. :( Drew, reading your report gave me the willies.
  5. MonadnockVol

    Stupid People

    And there's the key thing: you learned from your mistakes. We all make 'em (and if you scroll up a few pages you can read where I tell on some of the many stupid things I've done) and with a little luck we survive and then - we hope - we learn.
  6. MonadnockVol

    Stupid People

    YOU WOULD NOT BELIEVE ... well, actually, after reading all of the above, maybe you would ... the number of hikers who go up Monadnock, watch the sunset and then are surprised to discover that it gets DARK after sunset. Some enterprising few have used their cell phones as lights to get down...
  7. MonadnockVol

    Stupid People

    Reviving this thread I just referenced this thread in another post, (reckless conduct) but I had so much fun re-reading the entries that I decided to update it. Here are some additions: When I was in high school I was standing in Tuckerman's Ravine at the base of the headwall when I man...
  8. MonadnockVol

    Reckless conduct charge in "boating" incident

    Too close to home for comfort Well, the truth is that many of us (myself included) have had "on the job training" that we're lucky to have survived. Remember this thread? Stupid People - Monadnock Volunteer (aka Steve)
  9. MonadnockVol

    The carbon footprint of hikers

    Important question It was nice to see you too. A "Solitary sighting" is only slightly more common for me than a moose sighting. ;) I found the lecture interesting - and sobering - too. I would also be interested in hearing more public transit info, especially about getting to the...
  10. MonadnockVol

    Cardigan botanical help needed

    Trout Lillies Okay, I finally got this picture out of my camera. Trout lillies, right?
  11. MonadnockVol

    Baldface Trail, Baldface Knob, Sable Mtn., Mt. Eastman

    Another great TR I always enjoy your trip reports and you must know how envious I am of your close encounters of a moose kind. I do hike by myself most of the time, I don't hum or talk to myself, etc., and I do some off trail hiking, so you think I'd have seen one by now. Maybe I should stop...
  12. MonadnockVol

    Cardigan botanical help needed

    I climbed Cardigan yesterday from the AMC lodge side. [Rant on] ( :mad: ) I've been to this particular lodge twice now and each time I've had the same reaction: that people aren't very friendly there. Has anyone else found this to be the case? I hasten to add that I'm NOT talking about the...
  13. MonadnockVol

    Balsam Cap and Friday

    Memories! Ah, you brought back memories. I finished my 3500 club membership requirements on Balsam Cap and Friday. This was in the 90's and there was no gray in the beard then: Me on Friday (odd considering that it was Saturday :rolleyes: ) Even then, access was an issue. - Monadnock...
  14. MonadnockVol

    Footwear of choice for spring hikes in the snow

    I wear my old beat-up hiking boots from last year (two words: mud season) and warm wool socks (because my feet will get wet). I also pack TWO extra pairs of socks and I use them. Finally, I carry a pair of microspikes in my pack, just in case. - Monadnock Volunteer (aka Steve)
  15. MonadnockVol

    Bear Mtn., April 20th, '08

    Fabulous You just had to rub it in, didn't you? ;) That was a fabulous TR. - Monadnock Volunteer (aka Steve)
  16. MonadnockVol

    Mt. Kearsarge, 4/19, Winslow & Barlow trails

    Mountain: Mt. Kearsarge Date: 4/19/08 Trails hiked: Winslow & Barlow trails Conditions: A mixture of corn snow, ice, rock and mud. There was a strong monorail and to either side it was possible to posthole from knee to groin depth. Equipment: I used microspikes to go right up the monorail...
  17. MonadnockVol

    Rescue on Mt. Monadnock

    In my last trip report, I told how I had just finished climbing Mt. Kearsarge when I was called to Monadnock State Park to help with a rescue. A young man had slipped on some ice in "Paradise Valley" on the White Dot trail and sustained a leg...
  18. MonadnockVol

    Mt. Kearsarge, 4/20, Still no moose

    Mt. Kearsarge, 4/19, Still no moose This morning I hiked up Mt. Kearsarge (2937 feet. On the "52 with a view list") from the Winslow State Park side. You can find info on this mountain here: The access road still isn't free of...
  19. MonadnockVol

    Monadnock: Last Trail Report Until Fall

    Nope. Just giving you a hard time. Well the posts have been great. Judging from the response, I think you really tapped a need with the "women and hiking" thread.
  20. MonadnockVol

    Monadnock: Last Trail Report Until Fall

    You're most welcome. So Solitary, I've notice that you've really been posting up a storm: you've got almost 1/2 as many posts as me and I've been a member since 2003!