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  1. lumberzac

    Hiker pecking order?

    You can actually get fined by a ranger for setting a tent up inside a lean-to in New York. Hanging a bug net is ok though. I've never had any "pecking order" experiences in the Adirondacks. Then again the only thru hike you can do there is the Northville Placid Trail which doesn't get a...
  2. lumberzac

    Hanging your food

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't Ursacks supposed to be tied to the tree trunk and not hung? BTW I see Ursack now has a metal insert that has given it conditional approval in the Sierras.
  3. lumberzac

    opinion on steps - Moved from Q&A

    They do make it nice coming down off the mountains, but I think the reason they are there is not as an aid to hikers, but to help prevent erosion of the trails.
  4. lumberzac

    From Blake or Colvin to Elk Lake?

    The Trails Illustrated maps show where private property are. click on "More Views" and you can look at the maps
  5. lumberzac

    From Blake or Colvin to Elk Lake?

    I'm not sure how thick things are in there, but I know you can't actually get to Elk Lake without going into Elk Lake Lodge property. I don't believe they allow you to bushwhack on there property unless you are a guest at the lodge.
  6. lumberzac

    Hanging your food

    Ziplocks are a big part of my hiking gear as well. I also reuse Mountainhouse bags to hold any of my wet garbage. One thing to note is that bears have a very good sense of smell (7x's greater than a bloodhound’s about 1000x's greater than humans) and it is not likely that a ziplock will...
  7. lumberzac

    Hanging your food

    Don't hang a canister! Doing so compromises the design it two ways. One, by tying a rope to the canister it gives the bear something to grab. Two, the canister could break open if it's hung and dropped on a rock or hard ground. Canisters should be stashed 150 feet or so away from camp away...
  8. lumberzac

    4th Annual Adirondack BBQ and Gathering

    Hmmmm, maybe. I’ll have to see what my schedule is like once the date is closer.
  9. lumberzac

    Whites guidebook

    Not to change the subject, but can anyone recommend a good map for the Whites? I have the AMC guide and the maps that came with it seem to be lacking in detail.
  10. lumberzac

    Who is sick of this weather?

    I for one am sick of all this rain, but it should make for some good waterfall photos.
  11. lumberzac

    Duck Hole Dam

    Actually, Marcy Dam was repaired last year after the breach.
  12. lumberzac

    Training for the Long Trail

    I thought I’d give everyone an update. Do to conflicting schedules we had to push the hike back. It looks like we will be starting Friday night, August 25 and plan to exit on Sunday, September 3, which leaves us with, September 4 (Labor Day), as an extra day just in case. This also leaves...
  13. lumberzac

    Black Fly Season

    Both the blackflies and the mosquitoes were flying attack patterns all Memorial Day weekend long in the Indian Lake area of the Adirondacks.
  14. lumberzac

    Question on Northville-Lake Placid

    Rick’s list look good, but I'll add a few more stops to it. - Canary Pond between Silver Lake and Whitehouse is a nice place for a swim on a hot day. - A stay at one of the Cedar Lakes lean-tos is well worth it. - The pay showers at the Lake Durant campground have hot water.
  15. lumberzac

    Running With the Devil - May 20, 2006

    We passed a group of backpackers (3 or 4 now I can't remember) about a mile into the hike. Other than that I didn't see anyone else carrying a full pack on the trail.
  16. lumberzac

    Running With the Devil - May 20, 2006

    Great trip report Artex. It was a great hike with great company. My goal was simply to finish the entire length (something that hot weather prevented me from doing last year) of the trail which would be my longest dayhike to date mileage wise. I look forward to hiking the trail again next year.
  17. lumberzac

    squatters in the woods

    If it concerns you I would contact the local forest ranger to check the site out.
  18. lumberzac

    Trailwork on DIx

    Now I know who to blame for ruining my Dix Range traverse plans for this past weekend. ;) Thanks for putting the time and effort in to keeping the trails in good condition.
  19. lumberzac

    Hiking in the rain?

    Another weenie here. I cancel a Dix Range traverse dayhike for Saturday due to the rain this past weekend. The idea of having to cross both forks of the Boquet multiple times and climbing a wet Great Slide on E. Dix sound a bit too dangerous for me. Plus I’m guessing the ridge was windy as...
  20. lumberzac

    Acadia Nat'l Park - May 6-7, 2006

    Great pictures. You mean sometimes you can actually see the ocean at Acadia.