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  1. hikes-with-him

    Mt. Jackson, is

    Thanks... Her name is Hefither...and she's actually a flying Llama (it's the mountains, you know ;))
  2. hikes-with-him

    Mt. Jackson, is

    he he he...we have a long drive too and that's one reason we just HAD to keep going... The REALLY sad we MEANT to go up the cliff's trail...:D
  3. hikes-with-him

    Mt. Jackson, is

    Date: 6-25-10 Hiked with: Hubby...and met lots of great people on the trail Finally, we are within one of the ½ way point to our quest for the 48’s. At the advice of several members of this forum, I figured it would be a good idea to purchase TWO books to assist us on our quest: The 4000’er...
  4. hikes-with-him

    Rescue on King Ravine Tr

    pulled her off Mt. Washington...on the King's Ravine Trail? What am I missing
  5. hikes-with-him

    4th Weekend in NH - Family hikin'

    4th July? So that would be...7-24 and 25? My kidos are 9 and 12...
  6. hikes-with-him

    Doubletop Mountain, Baxter State Park

    WICKED nice...great day for it too. I've often looked at this Mt. and thought it was a really cool one. As for your comment about Kathadin and Washington...yes, I've seen them look very similar. We were in Franconia a few weeks back and were given one of those tourist guide thingies that tell...
  7. hikes-with-him

    Presidential Traverse, miracle finish and an unexpect adoption

    AWESOME!!! What a day for it too. Congrats!!! and on #33 too!!
  8. hikes-with-him


    Just purchased this weekend...what a FUN!!! Book!!! Also just ordered (from the MWO website) the Scudder's WM viewing book...between the two, I should FINALLY be able to figure out WHAT I'm looking at!! Thanks for this adivce!!
  9. hikes-with-him


    GREAT reference...I've bookmarked it. Also...with this link, the book, and YOU ALL...I should be all set. Thanks.
  10. hikes-with-him


    Just bought it!!! This will be VERY helpful, I'm sure. Have done Huntington Ravine but not Flume slide...Huntington's was right at the line of what we feel we can do. The whole walking UP at a steep pitch with nothing keeping you on the slab but friction is a bit much sometimes. Are there...
  11. hikes-with-him


    Three questions: 1. What is the best way to get both (or all three) peaks? North/South slide loop, Sabaday/Pine bend brook loop, something else? 2. North slide vs. Huntington Ravine's trail? How do they compare? 3. I've heard (trip report on another site from May 2009) that the trail on...
  12. hikes-with-him

    Owl's head?

    Did you spot a car...come in from the north, over garfield to the hut...then south to Owl's head and out via the south trails?
  13. hikes-with-him

    Owl's head?

    Ok...we are now at 20 of the 48's (almost half way there) and are looking at some of the more "difficult" to get to peaks. Owl's head...what is the best way to get this one...maybe with Garfield thrown in for good luck? We hike about 1 to 1.5 mph (depending on the steepness and difficulty) and...
  14. hikes-with-him

    Tecumseh and other Stuff

    Nice to meet you :) After discussing the fires with you and knowing that we weren't going to burn up in some forest fire coming up the mountain, we had a very enjoyable hike down!! we come
  15. hikes-with-him

    Osceloa East, 5/29/10

    HEY!!! We might have seen you there. We did Osceola and W. Osceola on Sat. too. We were heading down when most were heading up (we got off the summit at about 11:30) is BEAUTIFUL!! Interestingly, I mentioned to my hubby the EXACT thing...that this trail looked like something out of fairy...
  16. hikes-with-him

    canadian wildfire smoke choking the whites...

    We were hiking Tecumseh on Sunday...we noted a lot of campers and camp fires in the am form the Tripoli road so, when we smelled the smokey smells about 2 miles into our hike, we didn't think of anything. However, when we got up Tecumseh...and then the top of the ski slopes...and SAY the haze...
  17. hikes-with-him

    I get so jealous of get to hike SOO much!! It must be wonderful. Keep up the great...

    I get so jealous of get to hike SOO much!! It must be wonderful. Keep up the great trip reports!!
  18. hikes-with-him

    Reckless endangerment of impressionable children -- the sequel

    Although not a specific "school" program... Maine is working on a campaign to get kids outside too... The ads show kids just being kids in the woods...and states something like: The forest...where the "other you " lives...come and discover the "playful you", the "adventerous you", the...
  19. hikes-with-him

    Hi-Cannon Trail 5/22/10

    WOW!!! What a beautiful FOX!!! EXCELLENT just don't see that.. I especially loved the action shot! Keep up the puppy love to Emma...