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  1. NumNum

    Whats the CL-50?

    Whats the CL-50?
  2. NumNum

    Whats the C-50????

    Whats the C-50????
  3. NumNum

    Nah, I dont have a Facebook, I just belong here and ADKHP

    Nah, I dont have a Facebook, I just belong here and ADKHP
  4. NumNum

    WTF? are you serious??? 0530???

    WTF? are you serious??? 0530???
  5. NumNum

    Hiking Stores, Outlets near Whitefield NH

    BAM, thanks everyone! :)
  6. NumNum

    Hiking Stores, Outlets near Whitefield NH

    Any good hiking stores nearby?
  7. NumNum

    Whitefield Inn, NH

    Thanks everyone!!
  8. NumNum

    Whitefield Inn, NH

    Can anyone offer information on easy hikes that are in the immediate area. Something thats 4-6hrs round trip with views? I will be in the area for a week, so if I get a chance to break away Id like to. Thanks, NumNum :cool:
  9. NumNum

    6th annual Adirondack Gathering and BBQ August 7-10

    Hey Dick, we might see you do it! :D Spence we have not yet been to your part of the woods, but hope to stumble in to say hi. :cool:
  10. NumNum

    Lake Superior Trail

    DOH! I didnt even see the link in blacknblues post, sorry. Soo is short for Sault Ste Marie, again sorry. :)
  11. NumNum

    Lake Superior Trail

    whats the site? I'm a Soo boy.
  12. NumNum

    Does your S.O. read or post here?

    No, but she does feel left out and alone because i spend so much time here. I mean i dont understand, every once in a while i look at her and i see her lips moving, but.... I just dont hear what she is saying. I think she has become detached in some way... :rolleyes:
  13. NumNum

    Cell Phone on Everest

    I've got to say, I have my doubts this is for real. I dont hear much wind at all from that call, and from everything that has been said about Everest, isn't it quite windy up there? Sorry to be a bit cynical, but..
  14. NumNum

    Real Food vs Processed : What do you bring on the trail ?

    aye, that we ar lass, along with a warm pint of kilkenny... something reminds me of Dan Quayle.... :D
  15. NumNum

    Timmus down (surgery)

    Who is this Motabobo guy, and why isnt he sending flowers laced with potpourri to off set the fumes????? :D
  16. NumNum

    Timmus down (surgery)

    Hope your feeling better soon and back to your normal routine. Ya know there are easier ways of getting outa work :D
  17. NumNum

    Moose Killed in Watertown, NY

    whatyathink it smells like in that car? :eek: Did you notice the moose' body was above the bumper so it didnt even deploy the airbag.
  18. NumNum

    A Celebratory Walk on a Blustery Day

    at least you didnt have any "little black rain clouds", of course, oh bother.
  19. NumNum

    Basin and Saddleback: winter

    Do you still got openings for possibly 2 on the floor?
  20. NumNum

    5th Annual Adirondack BBQ and Hiker Gathering

    Ok, thanks, is there a list of what is needed to be brought?