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  1. NumNum

    ADK-Wright-Algonquin-Iroquois Monday, 12/5

    ADK-Wright-Algonquin-Iroquois Monday I certainly would not attempt anything more than what you have scheduled, i would even recommend going out the same way you went in, this way most everything will look familiar. As for Iroquis, i would recommend doing Algonquin first, then over to Iroquois...
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    Beer Night in Montreal area

    Mcgibbons? I thought it was on bishop?
  3. NumNum

    Marcie via yellowtrail

    Looking for info on the climb to marcie on the yellow trail from JBL, or is the slant rock route better. Looking to see what trail conditions are, steepness etc....I know this is longer than from the lodge but........why take the easy way? :eek: a lunger!
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    Frankenpine approved by APA today

    Pulp I wonder if someone would log it........roflmbo :rolleyes: or maybe we could cut it down and ship it to N.Y.C for christmas?
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    Help... bear canister too big

    its still ONLYa proposal isnt it?
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    Giant and Rocky

    A big Thanks on the water, im guessing the snow is gone too, thanks for your thoughts on the matter and for taking the time to reply
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    Giant and Rocky

    Has anyone recently traversed these peaks? Looking for trail conditions, also hows the campsite near the washbowl? Looking to go for an overnight....peace!
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    Winter camping

    good idea, thanx john!!
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    Winter camping

    Hey thanks for all the input, we have done several peaks already and some camping too, but have not done any winter camping yet, but want to prepare for it. We have also found that winter peaking is more fun than during the summer, easier in some regards with snowshoes on. I just wondered about...
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    Winter camping

    I would like some information on winter camping in the high peaks, what to wear, use etc..... I want to be prepared, getting cccccold on the backside of marcy isnt an option, what can y'all tell me... :eek:
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    Thanksgiving Weekend in High Peaks...

    What rated bag are you all using?
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    Phelps and Table top

    Anyone been on these in past few days? What are the condition?
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    Thanks for the input everyone, happy cramping!!
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    Ok, i inappropriatley and accidentally posted this under another thread, sorry. I'm looking to buy a pair of strap on crampons, like gravells, any suggestions on the cheapest place?
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    Back Country Skiing gear

    Crampons I'm looking to buy a pair of strap on crampons, like gravells, any suggestions on the cheapest place?
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    weather for the mtns. this weekend

    Seward Adacker, are you doing the four? I'm looking forward to your report, have fun!!!
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    Can someone give me trail conditions on this loop, snow, ice, etc, are the ladders out? I want to bring my 11 y.o son along with me.