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  1. briarpatch

    Glade skiing on the rise

    Last Saturday we started up the Monroe Trail on Camels Hump after lunch to snowshoe to Ethan and Ira Allen. We passed one couple in micro-spikes struggling with the snowy conditions and met one snowshoer descending. We also met 4 different individuals or groups (8 skiers total, all on AT gear)...
  2. briarpatch

    Avalanche rescue - Mount Mansfield

    On Monday afternoon WCAX had a video interview of two backcounty skiers describing their avalanche experience on Mansfield.
  3. briarpatch

    March 8, 2018 Coastal Storm Data

    Only around 3-inches in Burlington, VT with some light snowfall. No snow accumulation until after 9:00 pm yesterday. With this storm our snow pack depth is 3-inches. Yesterday afternoon I thought the sun might break through the overcast. Forecast for the Champlain Valley is 3 to 4-inches today.
  4. briarpatch

    Mansfield Back Country Ski Trails

    Thought I would explore some of the Mansfield’s backcountry ski trails without having to worry about those backcountry skiers. Three to 6 inches of hard pack snow and ice at the Stevensville Parking area in Underhill. Bare ground spots throughout the woods. Wore light traction and carried...
  5. briarpatch

    Compass Recommendation

    The Suunto Compass that DayTrip came across could be their KB-14. Suunto makes a 360 degree and quadrant version. I will use it when working with a total station to perform topographic, layout and as-built surveys for work. It has 5 degree increment marks when views from the top and 1/2...
  6. briarpatch

    Best Site For Past Weather Observations

    I have been using these sites. For past 24 hour data on Mount Mansfield that includes current temp, recorded at 5 minute intervals, wind speed, wind direction, and wind gust: For past year and month data for Mount Mansfield that includes high and low temp...