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  1. Gamehiker

    Bugless in Baxter 7/24 and 25

    Since there have been many reports on Baxter lately I'll make this short. Day 1 Coe - Brothers Loop Camped at Nesowadnehunk, short drive to the Marston trailhead. On the trail by 7:45. Rained overnight and overcast in the AM so I went up the Coe Slide. Coe was mostly socked in with occasional...
  2. Gamehiker

    Only CT A.T. History Geaks need read this...

    A friend and I hiked part of this in July 1983. We started at Dark Entry and finished at the Elbow Trail by the Berkshire School. I remember camping in a ravine just before a steep climb of Barrack? Mountain. Can't remember the name of the ravine but I think it is just East of Rt.7 near the high...
  3. Gamehiker

    Boundary, Benchmarks and Bugs (7/11-15/2006)

    The difference six weeks can make... When I was in the Marble-Saddle area on Memorial Day weekend , the border swath was clear and easy to walk on and Monument 471 was not covered by anything. The trade off was all the large puddles on the ATV route in to La Petite Lac. Thanks for the great reports.
  4. Gamehiker

    Beaudry bottles & bushwhacks

    Great work guys! You make these peaks seem more accessible than I had thought. A couple of questions if you don't mind. Where were your cars parked in picture 1? How far did you drive up the Caribou Bog road? Thanks, Gamehiker.
  5. Gamehiker

    HOT,HAZY & HUMID this weekend

    Another place with natural air conditioning- Mahoosuc Notch. I always marvel when you get up there by the trail junction, go around that corner and it feels like the freezer door was left open. But, sigh, I'm not headed there tomorrow.
  6. Gamehiker

    Boundary Peak and North Peak Round Mountain 7/3/06

    I didn't get a look at the woods between the peaks but the woods I went thru on the way up were not thick at all. Maybe they are the same towards the other 2 peaks. It was just the top that was rough. Much like SW Cow Ridge IMO a good winter hike. The MFS campsite is large enough for several...
  7. Gamehiker

    Boundary Peak and North Peak Round Mountain 7/3/06

    After a much needed day of rest for both of us Sadie and I headed back into Canada to try Boundary Peak again. This time was successful as we walked along the swath taking in the "local scenery" and summiting Boundary Peak. The man at the gate house keeps saying there are no views from Boundary...
  8. Gamehiker

    Whitecap, Monument 450,and SW Cow Ridge 7/1/06

    Sorry, Mark that should have been mhrsebago.
  9. Gamehiker

    Whitecap, Monument 450,and SW Cow Ridge 7/1/06

    Day 1 of planned 4 day excursion. More on that later. Drove 1.5 Miles up Bear Brook Road and parked. Started out at 10:00 for Whitecap. Had no problem with the road-herdpath until reaching the eastern plateau on top and finally figured out that I needed to backtrack a little. After doing...
  10. Gamehiker

    3 day peakbagging marathon in Maine (24-26 June)

    Could you describe the road conditions on the Caribou access or West Branch road. Could a compact car get past the bridge at 2 miles and get all the way to the warped bridge at 3 miles? Thanks, Gamehiker
  11. Gamehiker

    Brother, Fort, & Coe loop?

    Also headed to Baxter soon, Am about convinced to do this clockwise and do the whack early. Correct me if I'm wrong but it looks like the Slide is not as difficult as the Hunt Trail.
  12. Gamehiker

    Baxter 'whack

    Squaw's Bosom appears to have 2 seperate 3K peaks. Does one of them not meet the clean prominence criteria?
  13. Gamehiker

    Whitecap & North Kennebago Divide on June 24

    Looking forward to trip report. Am tentatively planning to do that on the 2nd. Can only go out on Sun. this weekend otherwise I would go with you. Gamehiker
  14. Gamehiker

    Peakbagging in Quebec near Boundary (HH) - Need information

    I was going to ask about approaches to "Barker" and Twin Peaks. These are both easier to get to from Canada but both fully inside Maine. Any border crossing issues?
  15. Gamehiker

    Boundary Peak and re-entering US

    I was there on May 28 and the Monsieur at the gate house was only letting 4WD vehicles down that road. He said it was too soft for regular cars. So I went over to Marble Mt. and Saddle Hill with no problems. With all the rain in the last 2 weeks it may not be much better. I am tentatively...
  16. Gamehiker

    Maine 3K Sunday 3 Fer

    I was on South Kibby but no register, I didn't see one on Saddle either. East Kibby is on the radar screen for later.
  17. Gamehiker

    Maine 3K Sunday 3 Fer

    In my continued quest to find the most obscure and remote peaks possible I offer up these 3. Marble Mountain, Saddle Hill, and Kibby Range South Peak. My original goal was to do Boundary and Monument Peaks from Zec Louise Gosford. When I arrived at the gate house the gatekeeper said the...
  18. Gamehiker

    Lone Mountain Maine

    Thanks for the info. Yeah, I wondered what date the map was from. It looks like the AT is further south than it used to be. As for being a purist, I might poke around in the area when I get back there again and look for a high point but its not first on the "list". Gamehiker
  19. Gamehiker

    Lone Mountain Maine

    I'm a little confused about this one. When I section hiked the AT I climbed up from Orbeton Stream to a distinct summit called Lone Mountain. The elevation was listed at 3200' and from there it was a slight downhill to the Abraham side trail. Topozone shows Lone Mt. as over 3400 feet and south...
  20. Gamehiker

    compass vs gps

    All the more reason for me to stick with map and compass, I should think.