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  1. lumberzac

    Easiest Hike that you thought.....

    Whiteface and Esther I hiked up Whiteface first and was expecting the trail to be much steeper for a much longer time. Then the herd path over to Esther was so well defined I thought I was on the wrong trail. Maybe it all seemed so easy because I was hiking in the Santanoni Range the weekend...
  2. lumberzac

    Google Earth Satellite Views of the Mtns.

    The slide on Mount Colden caused by Hurricane Floyd in 1999 doesn’t show up in the software. Still it's fun to play with.
  3. lumberzac


    I had three hikes that I wasn’t able to complete last year. One because of the heat, one because of nasty weather, and one that I just ran out of time. The first was an attempt to dayhike the Devil’s Path in the Catskills. I started off slow; due to the fact I had not hiked in about two...
  4. lumberzac

    How Big of a VFTT **** Are You?

    I've met 29 so far at various places. Not all of them I have hiked with. 1ADAM12 Artex Skiracer Yam MEB Little Sister Bird Head Pennsy EarthNSky Bob&Geri Uphillklimber Gremlin Percious Mtn.Goat Neil mavs00 Everest NBD rhihn Rik Peakbagr Bushwhacker stooped Wildernessphoto Fritz1 Silverback...
  5. lumberzac

    MSR snowshoe repairs

    My experiences with repairs from Cascade Designs is limited to just a water filter, but I got it back within 2 weeks of me mailing it. Out of curiosity, what broke on your snowshoes as I also use MSRs?
  6. lumberzac

    2005 Peakbagging Recap

    Winter: Snowy (ADK HH repeat) Street (ADK 46) Spring: Saddleback (ADK HH Jay Range) Jay (ADK HH) Indian Head (CAT 35) Twin (CAT 35) Sugarloaf (CAT 35) Plateau (CAT 35) Summer: Lower Wolfjaw (ADK 46 repeat) Upper Wolfjaw (ADK 46 repeat) Armstrong (ADK 46 repeat) Gothics (ADK 46 repeat) Wright...
  7. lumberzac

    Camping near Lower Ausable Lake?

    There are a couple of designated campsites once you cross into state land along the Gill Brook trail on the opposite side of Lake Road from the trails to the Great Range. They’re a little over a mile from Lake Road and are generally used for hikes up Colvin, Blake, Nippletop, and Dial, but the...
  8. lumberzac

    Snow totals

    Got about 5" or 6" in Greenfield, NY.
  9. lumberzac

    Losing Our "Magnetic Attraction"?

    Maybe I shouldn’t have thrown out those two compasses this year. I thought they became demagnetized, must be they were picking up on the pole shifting. :D
  10. lumberzac

    Best Photos

    Very hard to decide. I limited myself to just this year. Favorite hiking: Favorite canoeing: One I wished I had more time to setup the camera on...
  11. lumberzac

    Cave Dog Here

    Congratulations Ted, what an accomplishment. I taped last night’s show and agree with others; it was way too short.
  12. lumberzac

    Cave Dog's Hike 50 Challenge

    I'll be sure to check it out. Thanks
  13. lumberzac

    12-01 ADK. Boquet River. Grace Peak.

    I would except I don't get paid sick time where I work.
  14. lumberzac

    12-01 ADK. Boquet River. Grace Peak.

    Take lots of pictures. That's one of my favorite areas.
  15. lumberzac

    Cave Dog's Hike 50 Challenge Congrats Cave Dog
  16. lumberzac

    A Hiker goes Hunting

    You most defiantly see a lot more things just sitting and observing than you would hiking through. A few years ago I watched as a fox gave chase to a grouse and this year while sitting on watch, I saw a Great Horned Owl grab a red squirrel out of a tree. I would have to say that about 90% of...
  17. lumberzac

    Bear hibernation dates/zones/beta

    I’m not exactly sure there is a date that you can point at and say bears will start hibernating then. The bear canister regulation in the Adirondack High Peaks runs from April 1 – November 30, so I would assume that most years, bears become inactive by the end of November there. I think it has...
  18. lumberzac

    What is it?

    I would say it’s a stud from the track off the snowcat or a snowmobile.
  19. lumberzac

    Group Size Limits in the ADKs

    Something to keep in mind is Noonmark is not in the High Peaks Wilderness. It is in the Dix Mountain Wilderness, which doesn’t have as strict rules, although I believe the group limits are the same.
  20. lumberzac

    When Are Stabilicers Not Enough?

    I think it would have more to do with the steepness of the trail rather than above or below treeline. In full winter conditions and on a steep trail, I'd want those front points to aid me to the top. Stabilicers look like they would be very nice for that inbetween time where the ice isn't...