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  1. dangergirl

    Skiing the Presidential Range

    We are really just looking to go out and have some fun! I think we would wait for some pretty good weather to attempt this and we may or may not hit the summits. I do feel comfortable using the split board in ski mode for most of the trip. It is awkward but not too bad. We have done the...
  2. dangergirl

    Skiing the Presidential Range

    Keep the info coming! The part that worries me the most is the traverse around monroe and the crap on the crawford path. Some of the trip will definitly be a carry, especially if we do the summits but I think we may be able to bump and grind ourselves through it if we do the research. I have...
  3. dangergirl

    Skiing the Presidential Range

    So, I have done the Pemi Loop in the winter and the Presi Traverse twice in the winter. I am looking for a new adventure. Has anyone skied the traverse in the winter? If so, what do I need to know. I will be using a split board (probably in ski mode most of the time) and my boyfriend will be...
  4. dangergirl

    A little ticked off

    I went for a hike behind our house last week and had 3 ticks crawling up my leg! It surprised us too! After dealing with Lyme Disease this summer I am much more afraid of the ticks! I didn't realize that they would be so active so late in the year, but it hasn't been cold and snowy either!
  5. dangergirl

    Colvin/Blake trail run - 10/10/09

    Awesome job! It sounds like it was a lot of fun, even with the rainy weather! :)
  6. dangergirl

    Lyme experiences?

    It is the Med East Clinic in Tolland. I can't remember his name, but if you call and ask if there is someone who specializes in Lyme they can probably tell you. My friend also saw him for her Lyme, she got it when she was pregnant. She and the baby are doing fine. Good luck with it!
  7. dangergirl

    A Frozen Shot of Franconia Ridge With a Lonsome Lake Chaser - 9/19 - 9/20-2009

    Your pictures are AWESOME!!! And, you have me so excited for my favorite season: WINTER!!!!!!!!!! Nice report! :)
  8. dangergirl

    Lyme experiences?

    I got bit by a tick in the neck in early June this summer. Three weeks later every muscle in my body hurt to the point of barely being able to move. On July 2nd my lymph nodes in my neck started swelling and that night I got a fever. My lymph nodes were so big I could not swallow without a...
  9. dangergirl

    Iroquois Ultra Run

    I am still barely walking, but beaming! It was very cool to be able to go that far, and even cooler to feel strong for over 50 miles! I think all of the mountain climbing I have been doing really helped on this hilly course. It is way easier going uphill without a heavy backpack on! :) Also...
  10. dangergirl

    Mt. Denali slide show, Sept 22

    Sounds really fun! I wish I lived closer because I would totally go! :)
  11. dangergirl

    Iroquois Ultra Run

    I set out to run 100k in Virgil, NY and was able to pull it off! This was my first 100k (the race director allowed me to finish at the 100k point even though this was only a 50 or 100 mile race. I entered as a 50 miler, paid extra and got credit for doing 100k) I actually did really well and...
  12. dangergirl

    Trap Dike

    There was only a small stream when we did it. I wore my trail running shoes (which I would probably not wear again) for the climbing below the slabs. The trail runners have lots of nobbies on them that fold in funny ways under your feet. hiking boots or a sneaker without all the wiggly rubber...
  13. dangergirl

    Pemi Loop Record Attempt 9/4/09

    That is awesome! The pemi is not an easy one to do, and to finish in 7:04 is amazing! Wow and Congrats!!!!!
  14. dangergirl

    Presidential Traverse, 9/5/2009

    awesome trip report! It sounds like it was really fun!
  15. dangergirl

    Trap Dike

    So Don and I decided to take a last minute trip up to the Adirondaks to climb Mt Colden via the trapdike. We parked at the Upper Works area and headed in from there. It was a very pretty hike in. We started at around 7am. The weather was perfect and we were very excited! We were not quite sure...
  16. dangergirl

    Mount Rainier!

    As for boots, I have Spantiks and they were comfy from the parking lot. I thought about carrying my boot and wearing sneakers to camp but I didn't want to carry the extra weight. We all wore our boots from Paradise. It was not bad and there was not much dirt, mostly snow to hike on. As for a...
  17. dangergirl

    Mount Rainier!

    summitting in a whiteout must have been pretty wild! We felt very lucky to have had such wonderful conditions! I wish we were able to have time and good weather to try Shuksan. Someday! :) So many mountains to climb, so little time!
  18. dangergirl

    Mount Rainier!

    i would love to do denali unguided but we just don't know other people who would do that one with us!! good luck next year, thats awesome!
  19. dangergirl

    Mount Rainier!

    We took the 6 day with AAI in May 2008 and Jason was one of our guides (we got stuck on the glacier for 2 extra days from weather). We took an 8 day this June with AAI and our guide (not Jason) was not nice to us. I think he had something going on in his life because we have been friendly with...
  20. dangergirl

    Mount Rainier!

    was that jason thomas in your photo?