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  1. sierra

    Hypothermic hiker rescued from Little Haystack by helicopter

    When Josh posted that, I scratched my chin and laughed. I have never even heard of that and I highly doubt there are hordes of people rushing to comment on it.
  2. sierra

    Hypothermic hiker rescued from Little Haystack by helicopter

    They plan to relocate the most scenic part of the trail because people slip on wet or icy rocks? I would not support that, not that anyone will ask me.
  3. sierra

    Hypothermic hiker rescued from Little Haystack by helicopter

    I Have taken my poles apart and wanded the entrance to treeline a number of times here and out west.
  4. sierra

    2024: Less snow than normal

    Sea levels are rising, and you don't have to look far to find the evidence. Strawberry Bank in Portsmouth has been dealing with the rising Portsmouth harbor and its impact on the historical structures in that community. They have and are going as far as raising structures, which goes against...
  5. sierra

    Hypothermic hiker rescued from Little Haystack by helicopter

    The same issue has happened countless times on the summit of Lafeyette. People miss the turn onto Greenleaf and keep right on going, end up on Garfield ridge or down in the ravine where that young girl Emily died.
  6. sierra

    Hypothermic hiker rescued from Little Haystack by helicopter

    Talk about lucky. Nothing like a nice sunrise on a frozen ridge.
  7. sierra

    VFTT group hike?

    I was wondering if any of the members on here would be interested in a group hike? It would be cool to meet people we converse with and with the experience level of the members, it could make for some great trail talk. The location and hike could be hashed over and maybe a consensus would work...
  8. sierra

    How Hard Was The Snowpack Hit Yesterday

    I am talking about a small folding saw, dealing with small diameter trees, not large 50+ year old giants. Even a few branches off a fallen tree can open a way through and keep people on the trail corridor. I believe there is a regulation, but it's not my field (under 10 inches diameter?) Maybe...
  9. sierra

    How Hard Was The Snowpack Hit Yesterday

    Just read a trip report from Mt. Carrigain that mentions the same theme of many blowdowns. I've now seen trip reports from the Carters to Moosilauke concerning massive amounts of blowdowns, so it's not an isolated issue by any means. Many people in the 4k groups are now planning to start...
  10. sierra

    2024: Less snow than normal

    I was using Tubbs, but found a pair of original MSR Ascents in my closet. I threw them back there because I hated the binding, but now I'm using them again and it's not that bad. With the lack of snow last few years, I'm not buying new shoes, sticking with the old ones. I do hate yellow though.🤢
  11. sierra

    Monadnock-Sunapee Greenway In April: Water Crossings?

    Have you ever done the Wapack trail? It's 21.5 miles and I was very impressed with every section. You could do it in two days camping at the Windblown ski area site. I section hiked it as day hikes.
  12. sierra

    How Hard Was The Snowpack Hit Yesterday

    I believe they counted over 100 blowdowns.
  13. sierra

    How Hard Was The Snowpack Hit Yesterday

    I have seen multiple trip reports of significant blowdowns.
  14. sierra

    2024: Less snow than normal

    I have been a member here for 20 years, this is not the first time animosity has shown up, it's just heated on this thread a bit warmer than in the past. Politics does that, why do you think this country is so divided? there is no middle ground anymore, there is the left and the right. I am...
  15. sierra

    2024: Less snow than normal

    Given the way the world and how people treat each other. Maybe the earths survival isn't the best option after all. One only has to look at this group as a small experiment. We all are here because of one reason, we love the mountains. Yet, the comradery that should exist, is tenuous at best.
  16. sierra

    Homemade Insulated Gaiters Or Overboots

    I see, not finding the right all around boots must be a pita. They do make heated socks as well.
  17. sierra

    Homemade Insulated Gaiters Or Overboots

    Your feet get cold just standing around? I'm curious what boots you use? I do have a suggestion, how about hand warmers tucked into the side of your boot? Granted, I never have used them, but in the 4k groups they seem popular. Back when I was an Ice Climber, I wore overboots, they really added...
  18. sierra

    Gorge brook trail bridge update.

    Someone posted this in my Pemi Valley group.
  19. sierra

    Mt. Starr King

    Beautiful day on a fine mountain. Ran into Ed Hawkins which is always nice, haven't seen him since the beginning of Covid when we ran into each other on Tecumseh, he gave me some cookies. Ed is an inspiration and a super nice guy. He has 8 grids, crazy.
  20. sierra

    Mt. Webster
